Ch.1 The Usual

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~Christina's POV~


Oh great, another day at school or should I say hell. I'm kind of excited though because this is the last day before Christmas break, that means 2 weeks of peace. I'm so tired of being bullied all the time i dont know what to do. Ashton and his stupid ass gang make me sick. I mean I seriously don't under stand why they bully me when I haven't done anynthing. If it's there hobby they need to get a new one. Well anyway, let me tell you about myself. I'm 17 and I live in Sydney, Australia. I have no siblings and no father due to cancer. My mom works for the cool fashion company so I guess you can say we're rich. She's not home most of the time so I'm mostly alone. I live in this big house so sometimes I get lonely but I have video games to keep me company. I also have a dog and his name is Coco because he's a chocolate lab and he's just a puppy. Well its time to get ready for school. I showered and when I was in there I discovered a black and blue covered stomache. Thanks Ashton, please note the sarcasum. Once I was done, I blowdried my hair and put on a little mascara. Today I decided to go casual, a gray over-sized sweater, black skinny jeans, black Vans, and to top it off grey beannie. I braided my long brown hair in I side braid and walked out the door.

( At School)

As I was going to my locker I ran into my friend Cat and she was just in the middle of telling me why she died her hair red when all of the sudden my books were slapped out of  my hand and I was push down.

"What the actuall hell, Ashton!" Cat said.

"Shut the hell up!" Ashton said as he pushed Cat down.

"Hey don't include Cat in this you asshole." i said.

"Grab her." and before I knew it I was being draged outside.

When we got outside I was to weak to fight back so I just took all the hits, that was until my favorite teacher, Mr.Styles, came out and broke it up. He tried asking me if I was ok but I was in so much pain I just black out.





When I woke up, I was in the hospital. I saw Cat was sitting right next to my bed.

"Cat wake up." I said.

All of the sudden, her head shot up and she said, "Don't shot me with gummy bears!"

I gave her a weird look and we both ended up laughing and when we were done I asked, "How long have I been out?"

"About 6 hours, I should probably go tell the doctor you're awake. I'll be right back."

When she came back, the doctor told me i was free to go but to be careful because my ribs are extremly sensitive.

All i could say to myself was, "This is the usual."


OK so that  wa sthe first chapter of my story so if u like it please say something ( man i sound like Austin Mahone) but anyway BIIIIIII


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