I Never Thought It Would Be You

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Christina is the girl at school with no friends, only one and her name is Cattinanna. She gets bullied a lot and there is one group the bullies her the most and they are the most popular boys in school. Ashton Irwin who got held back 2 grades for behavior problems. Calum Hood is the second most popular because he's Ashtons partner in crime. Michael Clifford who is just a by stander but does his share of bullying. Luke Hemmings who doesnt wannt to bully but doesnt want anyone to know his feelings. When Christina decides to change herself, will the boys stop bullying her? Will Luke hide his feelings for long?

I would just like to say this is my first time writing and I'm just in love with 5SOS so this bullying thing is not ment to be serious thanx ;)

I Never Thought It Would Be YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora