The Nightmare

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From one side of my ear, I could slightly hear a voice talking to me, but my eyes were just focusing on a figure walking in the hall.

It was the guy with the hair flowing up, but now he was wearing a dark grey beanie, so all of his hair was hidden.

He sat down by his table and slowly reached for the potato bowl...

- Hey! -

I turned sideways and saw Zay with his eyebrows upwards looking at me. Shoot, I didn't hear a word he said earlier. I hope I didn't miss something important.

- Yes? -

I asked, not knowing what else to say. He just chuckled while staring at me amused and continued saying.

- You didn't hear a word I said, did you? -

Now I nervously chuckled and shook my shoulders, as if to say ''what can you do?''

Then he sighed and said what he was talking about earlier.

I'm friends with this weirdo, because nobody else seemed to notice me and he already started talking to me all friendly and nice. It's great to find a friend like that, in a whole new school.

Of course, there is also Maya. The charming Gryffindor girl, who I started hanging out with only a few days ago. She somehow seems to get's like we've known each other for ages...but we just met. It's weird.

Anyway, after dinner, I looked for Maya, because we were about to head to the girls showers next (we started doing that together since yesterday, I don't know why) and when I saw her from behind, I decided to scare her. I touched her back when she was walking away and quickly yelled too.

- Boo! -

She screamed for a second and jumped away from me so fast that I thought she was flying. Then she turned around, probably really mad and searched for the person who did it.

And then, when she looked at me, her furrowing eyebrows slowly turned back to normal again and she did a little smile on her lips.

- Why did you do that? -

It sounded more playful then angry and I sighed in my head. Then I smiled at her and thought of the cleverest answer I could think at the moment.

- I thought you could use a little scare, because you looked too serious then. -

She bumped me and then we were back to normal, just talking and stuff. I asked her how was her day and she said that it was one of the most stressful ones she's had in years.

We were walking in the hallways for a while, grabbed our towels and went to the girls showers.

We were laughing and telling each other funny stories from our lives to make this shower a lot more fun and nice. Then, of course, one of the school's ghosts scared us. It was a dark haired boy called ''Sad-Dan'', that's what Maya told me. He haunts this school, because he died here a long time ago, drowning in the school's lake. It was a quite depressing story, I don't want to talk about it now.

After we tucked ourselves in our soft robes and put our towels around our head, we headed back to our dorm rooms. Maya now decided to accompany me to my Common room and then head back to her's. That was sweet remembering that last night I did the same thing with her.

When we were walking down the stairs to the dungeons and were down, we ran into someone. Again, of course this always happens to me.

I said ''Sorry'', but the boy didn't go around us to head up the stairs, he stayed there and looked at me and then at Maya. He was just staring in front of us and not saying a thing. So, Maya being Maya, said something back.

- Hello! Planet Earth! Are you there? -

She waved her arm as well, making this so much funnier. I tried not to laugh while looking at that boy. He quickly shook his head and then with a smug smile said back.

- Hello, dear ladies. I'm going to head out know, don't mind me, but maybe we'll bump in each other soon. -

He smiled more at the end and then went quickly away. That was very weird. After he was gone, I looked at Maya and we both started laughing. I mean, you almost never see a person like this. It's so rare...he was acting like some kind of a royalty. It's 2017, jeez.

After that Maya said her Goodbyes and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts again. I just went to bed, because it was late and I was getting tired and I tried to fall asleep.

What is going to happen tomorrow?

Is my life going to be a little more easier?

Probably not.


I opened my eyes and all I saw was blackness.

I tried to see clearer and soon saw glimpses of trees around me.

I tried to move my feet, but I realized that I was stuck in place somehow. I looked down at me and saw that a tight rope was around my waist and as much as I tried, I couldn't release myself from it.

God dang it! What should I do now?

I tried to think of anything, anything useful, but my mind was blank.

I'm in a forest, that's the only thing I'm sure of.

How the hell did I get here?

And then I heard a voice.

It was quiet at first, I couldn't tell what it was saying. But soon I heard some of the words.

''Have you found her yet?''

I could tell that the voice belonged to an old man, but it was kind of creepy sounding that made me shiver once I heard it. What was he talking about? Who is ''her''?

I listened more, holding my breath so I don't miss it when it comes.

It was quiet for a minute or so till I heard it again, but now it was getting louder. I felt my heartbeats beating out of my chest of how terrified I felt at that moment. The man said.

''You know we don't have time. I'm giving you one last chance...find her and tell me her name, you have till Halloween and if you don't you'll never see me again, understood?''

Then I heard complete silence and felt myself slowly feeling more tired and closing my eyes.


And then I quickly woke up, feeling very hot and trying to catch my breath. What a dream!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2018 ⏰

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