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When I somehow got in the train at...what was it called? i don't know, but the weirdest thing was that I had to actually go through a wall. I felt so nervous at that moment. My hands were sweaty and I was shivering. But now I'm kind of relaxed at some point. The chair is soft and comfy, it smells like fresh and new. Everything here is nice, to be honest. I expected dark cabins and cold air, but this is a lot better place.

-Hey, watch where you're going! - I heard a girls voice outside the cabin. I peeked to look who it was. And I saw a blond girl with blue eyes. She was carrying a big suitcase with little diamonds on it. i almost felt jealous, cause my brown, rusty bag was far from pretty. i thought that our eyes met for a moment, but actually she was just turning around to face the guy she was talking to. And then I saw him. His light brown hair was flowing up, like he saw a spider or something. And his eyes were a mysterious grey type that had an interesting sparkle in them. He was very tall, like huge, but it didn't look bad. It actually looked...good.

-Sorry, princess. - he told the blond girl. Huh...I didn't know they knew each other. Only then I realized that I was looking at them for too long and sat down again. This ride was a little bit boring to me, because no one came to me or even said ''Hallo!''. I just sat and looked outside my window. The view was amazingly beautiful. i couldn't stop looking at it. My eyes were sore after a while and I started to play with my fingers. Like, what will happen when I get there? Will I need to prove myself somehow? Cause I don't know if I could do that. I mean, I know that there could be something different about me, but I don't know what or how. My parents only told me that I'm special. That's all! I really hope that everything will be fine there...


When we arrived at Hogwarts, I was bored to death. my phone was already out of battery. Argh...but the feeling inside me was almost magical, cause I knew that we'll see the big castle soon. Darn, I hope it's huge. But, of course, my phone is dead and I'll not be able to take any pictures. Curse Apple I phone 6!

When we got off, I almost landed on my face. My legs were somehow tangled with each other for no reason. Then I walked slowly to the end of line where nobody was walking. But after a while I saw a dark brown hair girl walking besides me. I tried to look somewhere else, not to her, but she seemed so interesting and lonely, that I had to talk with her.

-Hi! - I started. She glanced me as I saw her brown chocolate eyes.

-Hi! - she said back. I couldn't not smile at her. She had that sort of cuteness and happiness in her eyes what I haven't seen before. So we started talking to each other. She said that she's from NY and I said that me too. And so on. At least until we had to hop in one of the boats and swim to the shore. My eyes finally met the size of the great Hogwarts castle. It was so gorgeous and magical. There were like a ton of towers and I could see lights in all of the windows. Probably students are now in their rooms or eating at the Great hall. i can only guess. I saw that the brunette was looking at it too with her big eyes. i couldn't help but to say.

-You know, this castle is one of the oldest ones in the history of magic. I searched it up on Google. -she nodded and kept looking at the large towers this building had. I continued looking at them too. Until we landed on the shore and had to walk again. Only then I realized that only a few rows further the weird guy was walking and talking to his friends.

I just wanted to say that I appreciate for all of the views and the vote. I love you guys so much and I hope that you like the book. And, to be clear, the weird guy and the guy that Riley saw was Farkle and Maya also talked with Riley. And I think that's it. Which houses do you think they'll be chosen to? Write in the comments! L. ♥

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