After Classes

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When the classes were over, I finally sighed and went to my dorms to change. This robe was already getting smelly and it was too hot to walk in it.

How can anyone else bare this peace of clothing all day?

I was looking at my phone to quickly plan out the rest of the day when I bumped shoulders with someone. I looked up and saw two girls. One I already knew. Maya, the basic princess of this school. She was talking to a girl with brown, curly hair. Her name started with an ''R'', I remembered that from the Sorting ceremony. She had a yellow robe on. A Hufflepuff, I see.

Once I bumped her, she quickly turned around to face me and said with furrowed eyebrows and a sad kind of look.

- I'm so sorry. Did it hurt? -

Was she for real? It was only a bump, not like she hit me between my legs. But I couldn't tell her something like that, because I feel like she would feel bad about it later, so I just answered casually.

- No, it's fine. Really. -

Then I glanced the blonde chick who wasn't as polite to me as this girl was. When I was walking in the train, she basically scolded me for just slightly bumping her side, like it hurt so bad.

Now she just rolled her eyes at me and pushed this girl forward to get out of this situation. How rude of her. I looked back at them, seeing how the brunette glanced me a couple of times when they were leaving. She seemed so fragile and thoughtful, I've never seen a person like this.

When they were gone, I went to my common room and sighed out of relief when I took off my heavy Slytherin robe.

Then I put on a dark blue jumper and black skinny jeans and decided to chill here for an hour and then start learning. Everybody needs to relax.

I started playing a video game, when I heard people go inside the common room as well. And then I felt someone sit on the sofa besides me and heard a voice.

- Watcha doing? -

Of course it was Steven. He had to go to detention, because he was acting badly in class, like a Slytherin would. And now he is finally free from classes. I was free an hour ago.

I looked up at him and saw a cheeky grin forming on his lips. Oh hell no. We are about to do something ''fun'' now, aren't we? I quickly logged off my game and turned my phone off and asked.

- Nothing special. What's up? Why are you acting like this? -

He chuckled probably thinking I overthink things, but he is usually the one who gets us both in trouble and now that can hurt my chances of graduating this school and my dad would be so mad if he found out I have done something horrible in this school.

- Chill, dude. I just wanted to go outside for a moment. Wanna join? -

I sighed, but nodded, because I had nothing better to do. I mean, I basically now all of the main spells and have read books from year 1 to year 3 already, so I have no reason to learn. And going outside can clear my head from today's weak sleep. 5 hours is maximum of how long I slept today. And it will only get worse, that's just how I am. I think too much all the time. Even when I should sleep. My dad says it's because I'm a genius, so my mind works more hours then a usual person's mind could work. I just think that I'm too weird, but who knows.

Then I put on my beanie, because it was getting colder here each day and went outside with Steven wearing a jean jacket and blue jeans.

Outside we were going close to the forest and the Care of the Magical Creatures teacher house, so I asked him.

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