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When I got my letter, I wasn't even surprised. I knew this day would come. My dad used to tell  about his adventures in Hogwarts all the time. I, to be honest, didn't want to go to this stupid school, but it wasn't my decision to make. My dad already bought my first robe, broom, wound and everything else. I keep them in my room, locked in my closet. I have a weird feeling about this school. I feel like that if I come, something wrong will happen, but what do I know? I'm probably just scared like everybody else who are going to start this year. i hear my father yell from across the room. -Did you get it? - I yell back. -Yes! - Then he runs to my room in stress and takes my letter from my hands. He reads it out loud and then gives it back, patting my shoulders. -Nice job, son. - I sigh and sit on my bed. But what if really something bad happens to me? What if I get expelled or worse? I tried to get those thoughts out of my head and had a long talk with my father. We talked about my classes I'll be taking, of my Quidditch practices, because he wants for me to compete at the annual Quidditch tournament. He wants me to succeed at everything, but how on Earth can I do that? I'm not sure. The only thing I'm sure of is that I wont be chosen at Gryffindor or even Slytherin, cause I'm not brave or ambitious. I would be glad if I got Hufflepuff, cause I sort of like it. Ether way I'm most scared of the Sorting ceremony. i will be all alone there with a Sorting hat on my head. That will be the most awful moment in my life. After that everything else (except the Quidditch cup) will be okay. I guess. Now I'll be going to London with my teleport and then I'll ride to Hogwarts.

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