Forcing myself to move forwards, I exhaled sharply and extended out the tray, letting the men pluck their ordered glasses off the tray. I wasn't sure why, but my heart began pumping incredibly fast as I neared towards the insanely good looking man, the red haired whore still settled on his lap, laughing irritability at whatever she found amusing.

When I extended the tray out towards him, I tried getting a better look at his handsome face. It was, however, quite hard to when the lights flashed across his face. Although, I did manage to capture the sight of his masculine hands with green veins barring through them along with scars scattered across them.

Jesus. Christ.

"Thanks," A low raspy voice suddenly said, and I was pretty sure I was going to faint right there and then. I surprised myself by moving onto the man sitting beside him, and sadly, the lights weren't flashing across his face. I had to witness his hungry eyes trailing across my body with a suggestive look brightly shining in them as I extended the tray, with not many drinks left on them, towards him.

I shot him a glare, the porno moan from the red head, managing to capture my attention, causing me to glance back over to the handsome man. My eyes widened slightly when I saw the handsome stranger's lips moving across her neck, one of his hands pressed against the low of her back, just inches away from her ass, while the other cupped his glass.

I think it had scotch inside of it.

I shook my head when I realized I was staring, and forced my attention back over to the pervert I stood in-front of.

"He's not into brunettes," He told me with a smirk, looking pleased with himself. Instead of saying anything in response to his unnecessary words, I rolled my eyes and moved on, handing out the drinks to any other man with nothing in his hand. When the tray was empty, I began walking back to the bar, only to pause when I felt a hand out of the blue, slap my behind.

My teeth gritted together as I felt an uncontrollable wave of anger build up inside of me. Clenching my jaw, I turned around and shot the creepy pervert a hard glare, knowing there was nothing else I could do. He winked at me, motioning with his chin for me to carry on walking forward, no doubt would his beady eyes be locked on my behind. Shaking my head in disgust, I mentally chanted myself to calm down as I hurriedly moved back down to my bar, ignoring his little whistle.

Blowing out a breath, I noticed Karla was still here, but was buttoning on her coat.

"Is everything okay?" She questioned with a small frown.

"Perfect," I lied with a sharp exhale. 

Not soon enough, the three hours managed to pass by and I found myself leaving the rowdy scene that had only grew at 1 am. Before I left, my eyes briefly flickered over to the VIP area, not capturing the sight of the handsome stranger that went by the name of 'McCan' something. Sighing, I signed out and stepped outside, the cold October air embracing me.

I wasn't sure what was wrong with me, but suddenly my mood went sour and bitter. I felt down and... sad. As my bus arrived, I hopped on and paid my fare to the driver. When I took a seat at the back, ignoring the other people sat on the bus, I glanced outside the window and sighed.

Is everything okay?

The easy, intended to be closed question Karla had questioned me earlier on in the night, was ringing through my mind. It should have been insignificant to me, something I brushed off and didn't give a single thought about.

But it wasn't.

For some reason, it hit home and I found myself repeating the question in my mind, breaking it down and trying to mentally answer it with a 'yes' confidently. The thing was, I couldn't. I was failing horribly at doing so and it confused me why I was having so much trouble.

But then it made somewhat large sense.

At the age of twenty-four, years ago I would never, ever have dreamed of myself living the life I was today. No college degree, living in a small apartment with a chubby cat, one shitty job as a bartender and doing other small catering jobs in order to survive. This was not what I imagined myself to be like.

I felt... pathetic.

Staring outside the window, I mindlessly watched the unfamiliar faces walk on, all with a destination they were headed to. I bet it wasn't a small apartment like mine.

Sighing, I rubbed a hand across my forehead and turned to face the front of the bus. 

I wasn't always like. My attitude towards life wasn't always this bitter and not too long ago, I had big plans for myself, ones that would lead me to be successful and happy in life... unlike how I was now.

I always aspired to be a manager of a restaurant or a bakery. I was pretty good with numbers and anything related with business had always perked my interest. In-fact, when I was fourteen years old, my plan was to head off to a grand college in hopes to get a business degree by the end of my time there. But somethings happened in life and my plan was alternated. 

My life was alternated.

Shaking my head, I forced the depressing thoughts away and tried to focus on something other than what I could have become, simply because there was no use in doing so. This was my life now and I had to accept it regardless about what I felt towards it.

Closing my eyes, I plugged in my earphones and zoned out.

I couldn't help but think how my life would have been if it hadn't been alternated.

If I weren't such a stupid and naïve teenager.


(AN) Hey guys! So, there you have it! This is Nina nine years later... is this what you guys expected to read? What are your thoughts? What do you think Nina meant by the last sentence? Also, who do you think that handsome man was?

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