''I do, why?''

''Well, in the start Alex Turner says ''I wanna be your vacuum cleaner, breathing in your dust''. . '' Harry lowered his face closer to me. ''I would happily be your vacuum cleaner right now.'' Harry places a soft peck on my nose.

I sighed deeply. ''Can we talk about something else?'' I asked him eagerly.

''Let's talk about lame café boy,'' Harry spoke.

''Who is lame café boy?'' I questioned him confusingly.

Harry laughed, and he walked to the shower cabin.

''That guy you work with at the café,'' He informed me.


''Yeah, whatever lame café boy is called.'' Harry shrugged off.

''He is nice,'' I stated.

''I don't care if he is nice, I don't like him.'' Harry suddenly announced.

''Why wouldn't you like him?''

''Because he is hanging out with you,'' Harry explained. ''And he has a dick.''

''That makes total sense,'' I remarked sarcastically.

''It is time to take me seriously,'' Harry told me.

''Harry,'' I said, and I walked closer to him. I placed my hand on his cold bare chest and spoke. ''It's hard to take someone serious like you, because just a few seconds ago you were talking about sucking a specific type of water out of my body.'' I pointed out.

''Okay, you win.''

''Now, get yourself cleaned up.'' I instructed him.


I got into some new clothes, and I preferred those instead of my wet ones. I was wearing some leggings, a huge sweater from my father, and a pair of grey slippers. I made a ponytail, and walked over to the refrigerator. I wanted to make some warm milk for Harry and I with anise.

The milk was boiling, when I heard Harry coming into the living room. His footsteps were noticeable throughout the whole living room and kitchen. I turned around, and gasped when I saw Harry standing there with his washcloth in front of his dick.

''Harry, what the fuck?'' I hissed, I didn't know what to say.

''You haven't left me a towel,'' He announced.

''I see,'' I remarked. I shook my head, and focused perfectly on the current situation. ''I will get you one, please go back inside.'' I begged Harry.

''See you soon,'' Harry said.

He turned on his heel, and he was totally butt naked. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

I did not just see that.

I rushed quickly to the bedroom to take a towel. I walked back to the bathroom, and I saw that the door was a bit open.

''I got you a towel,'' I reached my arm out with the towel, but kept the door closed. I was holding the door knob strongly while I was waiting on Harry to take the towel.

''Wait for a minute,'' He called.

''Just hurry up,'' I responded.

After a few seconds, Harry finally took the towel. I walked back to the kitchen, and filled two mugs with the warm milk and anise. It smelled really great, and I was longing for this for a while. I saw Harry entering the room again, and I greeted him softly.

He was wearing only his boxers, and he grabbed the blanket to wrap it around himself. I came back to Harry, and I gave him a mug with warm milk. I sat next to him on the couch, and I folded my legs. I took a few sips from the hot milk, and Harry scooted closer to me.

''Place your mug away, and cuddle with me.'' Harry said when he looked me into the eyes.

''Is that a question or demand?'' I asked.

''Demand,'' Harry replied nicely with a bright smile.

I placed the mug away, and came closer to Harry. He opened his arms, and I sat against him. He closed his arms, so the blanket was wrapped around the both of us.

''I smell like flowers and cocos,'' Harry announced. ''I smell like you.'' He made a disgusting face.

''You're a dick,'' I hissed.

''No you mean; you have a dick.'' Harry corrected me.

''Harry?'' I called for him softly. I turned my head, and our heads were a few inches apart. ''I was at your office this afternoon, but you weren't there. Instead of you, William was there.'' I announced.

''He was in my office?'' Harry asked me in panic.

''Yes,'' I replied. ''And he asked me to join his pool party on Sunday.''

''You're not going,'' Harry immediately objected. ''William is out on more.''

''But that is not the only thing,'' I stopped Harry with talking further. ''He said it was important for you that I come, and then I asked why. But he just replied with that I needed to ask you that.'' I told Harry. ''So now you obviously know what I am going to ask you. . . ''

Harry rubbed into his eyes.

''It's that it's William, otherwise I had already punched him in his face.'' Harry muttered irritatingly. ''Look, I only allow you to go to William if I come with you.'' Harry announced.

''Since when can't I go alone?'' I questioned.

''Because it's William,''

''Yes, and you're Harry.''

''I know, Vicks. But I don't like William, and I don't want you being used by him.'' He made me clear.

''I am not having sex with him, Harry.'' I fired back.

''I know that will not happen,'' Harry assured me immediately. ''But I want to show William that I am currently putting effort in you, and he can't do that.''

Harry started to lay himself down on the couch, and he reached his hands out for me to take them. I cuddled up against Harry, and my ear was pressed against his chest. Harry was stroking with his hand over my back, and it felt very comfortable.

''What a week can do,'' I breathed out.

''It was your decision to show up,'' Harry spoke.

''It was your decision to go after my ass,''

''Which is in fact a very beautiful ass.''

I felt Harry pressing his lips softly on my forehead when I looked up. He reached out for my hair-tie, and pulled it out of my hair. He went through my hair - which was still a bit wet form the rain - and he smiled nicely at me.

''I prefer your hair like this,'' Harry muttered.

I pressed my lips on his cleaned chest, and looked up at Harry again.

''You know I am not heading back home tonight,'' Harry stated seriously.

''You choose my little apartment over your four televisions, tennis court, hot tub, pool, incredible kitchen, and huge bedroom?'' I questioned him. I placed my hands on Harry's chest, and made small circles on it.

''You're saying it wrong,'' Harry disagreed. ''I choose you over my home.''

( hiya

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