[ 17 ]

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(Y/N)'s POV

Isabel and I run excitedly into the dress shop, while Levi sulks behind us. "Why am I here?" He sighs.

"I thought you'd like to see what (Y/N) is wearing to the dance." Isabel tells him.

He sits down on a bench in the middle of the store. "Okay you have fun with that."

Isabel grabs my hand and starts leading me somewhere. "Let's go find something super sexy!"

"I'm coming." Levi gets out of his seat and follows us.

"I knew it.." Isabel laughs.

"It can't be anything too sexy, okay?" Levi says to me, with a strong gaze.

"Okay, dad." Isabel jokes. Levi rolls his eyes at her.

Isabel and I look around at some dresses. I think I want something dark blue, and just above my knees. I ask Levi to help. He honestly doesn't seem that interested, by his looks anyways. We looked for a good 30 minutes before finding what I want. The dress is actually a maroon-ish color, but I still really like it. "I'll go try it on." I say as I head for the changing rooms.


Levi's POV

Isabel and I sit, waiting for (Y/N) to come out of the changing room to show us her dress. I know she'll look good in anything. I just need to approve of it first. Am I too controlling? Maybe. I just don't want other guys having weird thoughts about her. I don't want to lose her.

After a couple minutes, she comes out of the dressing room. She looks like a princess. Absolutely gorgeous and so sexy.

"Well?" She asks.

"You look amazing!" Isabel exclaims. "Levi you're dating a good one."

Oh god Isabel. I gotta admit though, she's right. I stand up from the seat and walk towards (Y/N) slowly. Her eyes seem to be glistening as she looks at me. I take her hand and twirl her around. "You look perfect." I say, but I can never get a smile. I'm not the smile type. Or really any facial expression type to be honest.

"Thanks, baby." She smiles cutely. That's the first time she's called me that. I kinda like it. It sounds cute when she says it.

"My GOD you guys are just too cute." Isabel blurted out. I flick her forehead. "Hey! Just speaking the truth."

I kiss (Y/N) on the lips lightly before she goes back to change into her clothes.


(Y/N)'s POV

It's now the night of the dance. I'm super excited but a little nervous, since this is my first school dance. Isabel picked me up from my house, and then Farlan came a few minutes after. We ran around the house trying to get dressed and ready to go. Farlan was the first to finish, since he doesn't really need to style his hair or put on makeup. Isabel and I took about an hour.

"Well jeez, it took you ladies long enough!" He complains as Isabel and I finally head to the living room after we finish getting ready.

"We look good though, right?" Isabel asks.

Farlan nods slightly. "Of course. You guys always look good. I have hot friends." He winks.

"Good lord..." I chuckle at him. "Anyways, lets get going!"

The three of us head out the door and I hear Isabel's mom yelling to us, "Have a good time! Don't get drunk!"

"Don't worry Miss Magnolia, we'll be good!" Farlan yells back as he closes the front door behind us. In the driveway, we're greeted with Farlan's little car. I decide to sit in the back seat, which was scratched up by my cat...

"Aren't you getting a new car?" I ask.

"Next week. A jeep." He smiles brightly.

"Sweet! We gotta take it to the beach sometime." Isabel says.

I gasp from excitement at the thought. "That would be so fun!"

A few minutes pass and we're at the school. Farlan drops Isabel and I off at the front to meet with our friends, who all look so good in their dresses and suits. "Hey guys!" We both say as we walk up to them. Everyone says hello to us, and then to Farlan when he finally arrives after finding a parking spot.

I look at my phone and see that it's 7:58. The dance starts at 8:00. It's actually pretty cold outside, so I don't know why the school doesn't just let everyone in, but maybe they're doing last minute prepping. I look around to see if I could spot Levi, but I don't see him. He's probably inside.

I start to shiver a little because of the cold, but thankfully the doors start opening. "Finally!" My friend Jean yells from the back of our group.

Our group, along with many other students pour into the school gym. Music is already blasting and it's very, very loud. Lasers and stage lights are scattered around the gym to add some cool effects.

Isabel, Sasha and I quickly head to the middle of the gym to start dancing. The others follow behind us slowly. I guess the three of us are more excited.

Levi and I saw each other a couple times while he was around "patrolling." We obviously didn't want to interact with each other, for many reasons. Isabel is the only one who knows right now, but I'm planning on telling Farlan soon.

After an hour or so, I start getting pretty tired. My dancing slows down a bit. Farlan's somewhere with the other guys and Isabel's dancing with Ethan. I decide to join a random group of people and dance around with them.

Suddenly I'm feeling something right behind me moving weirdly. I look behind me and it's some random dude grinding against me. "What the hell?" I yell at him. I only see him for a couple seconds before Levi's flinging himself at the dude to get him away.

"Get the fuck away from her."

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