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(Y/N)'s POV

When the extremely large high school building towered over me, my eyes widened. I was only gone for two weeks, but I guess I never looked at the school that well before. I went on a short trip to visit family, because my grandma passed away. I'm back now though, and I'm overwhelmed. I already know I missed a lot of homework, so I'll have a ton of stuff to catch up on.

I walk into the building, and see my best friends, Isabel and Farlan, waving frantically at me. "(Y/n)!" Isabel yells loudly across the hall.

I run up to her and cover her mouth with my hand "too loud, too loud."

"Sorry..." She murmurs, muffled.

"We missed you so much!" Farlan says, pulling me in for a hug.

"I missed you too. Thanks for taking care of Bailey by the way" I thank him. Bailey is my annoyingly petty cat.

"Ah, it's no problem. I just had trouble getting her in the car though" he says, rubbing his chin. "She might have torn up my backseat."

I gasp. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry-"

Farlan laughs "it's cool. I'm hopefully getting a new car soon anyways so don't worry about it" he reassures me. Farlan's parents are extremely wealthy. His dad is a doctor, and his mom is a nurse.

"That's awesome! You're definitely driving me to school in the mornings" I joke, nudging his side. I look towards Isabel and give her a big hug as well. "How was it without me?"

"Well, it was kinda boring having movie marathons all by myself, but I survived. Barely" she smiles.

"Hey, you could have invited me!" Farlan crosses his arms, looking hurt.

Isabel copies him, and crosses her arms as well, "you always talk during the entire movie."

"That's true..." Farlan admits.

I laugh at the two of them, "alright well we should head to class."

"Agreed" Farlan says, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

The three of us head to our first class of the morning, English. I've never been a fan of English, but at least it isn't history. That class never fails to make me fall asleep. Maybe English is fun because the teacher is attractive... Isabel and Farlan are actually good friends with him. I think their parents know him or something.

As we get to the class, we walk in and see that almost all the seats are completely empty, besides one or two other students.

Farlan and Isabel head to their seats, and I hesitantly walk to the teacher's desk, mentally preparing to hear about everything I missed. I walk up slowly to him, his focus fixated on his laptop screen.

"H-hi Mr. Ackerman" I say quietly, hoping I'm not interrupting him.

He looks up past his screen and shifts his attention towards me. His expression becomes calm. "Oh, welcome back (y/n). Sorry to hear about your grandmother."

"Thank you, Mr. Ackerman" I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck. "Uh, could I get the assignments I missed?"

Mr. Ackerman slowly sits back into his chair, staring at me. He bites the end of his pen, thinking. "I never do this" he starts. "I'll excuse you from all of them."

I look at him, very confused. "W-why? Don't I have to work on them?"

He stares at me again. "You just went through something very devastating. I won't make you do them."

"Oh...okay. Thank you" I say, still confused. I'm kind of glad though, cause I hate homework. I turn around slowly and head up to my seat, next to Farlan and Isabel.

"What was that about?" Farlan asks.

I shrug "he's excusing me from all the work I missed. I guess I don't have to do them."

Isabel jumps out of her seat, "What?!"

"Isabel, sit down! He can hear you!" I whisper, pulling on her school blazer.

"Oh, sorry..." She says awkwardly, sitting down again.

The first bell of the day rings, signaling students to get to their class. Students begin to pour into the room, one after another. Levi looks back at his laptop, unfazed. I look at him through the corner of eye, still trying to comprehend what he said.

"Stop staring, (y/n)" I hear in front of me. I look towards the voice, and it's my friend Eren.

"Uhh, I w-wasn't staring" I stutter awkwardly.

Eren laughs, "Sure. That stutter says otherwise."

"I can't help it, just look at him" I subtly point to Mr. Ackerman, forgetting that Eren is dating Mikasa.

"Uhm, no thanks" He laughs again.

The second bell rings, meaning everyone should be in their seats. A group of jocks continues to stand near the doorway, talking loudly. Mr. Ackerman walks towards them, expression stern. The jocks notice and practically hurdle to their seats. He shakes his head, annoyed.

"I wonder what we're doing today" Farlan says. Isabel and I shrug simultaneously.

"Alright class" Mr. Ackerman starts. "We'll be doing a group power-point assignment that you'll have to share in front of the class."

My heart suddenly sinks. It's my first day back and I'm already greeted with the thought of speaking in front of the class. I swear, if I get Farlan... He's horrible at working in groups.

 "Greeeat" I whisper to myself, sinking into my seat. What a great way to come back.

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