"Well, okay. But yes, see, that's the part that we don't exactly have figured out yet."

"If it was a full moon and she did change while her mom was driving, then anything could have happened." I suggest.

"Horrible things could have happened." Stiles adds. "Ripping, shredding, tearing things."

"Which is probably what caused the accident." Scott finishes.

"Think about it, dad, all right. They're driving, Malia starts to change, she goes out of control, the mom crashes and everybody dies."

"Except for Malia." I clarify.

"She blamed herself, all right, goes off running into the woods and - and eventually becomes trapped inside the body of a coyote."

"That makes sense." Stilinski agrees, or so we thought that he agreed with us. "In a Chinese folktale. Boys, Zoey, this is - this is insane. I need this kept quiet. The three of you, not a word. I don't want anyone hearing about this. I especially don't want Mr. Tate hearing about this. Scott?" Stilinski asks at the end when he isn't paying attention. "Scott!"

"Sorry. What did you say?" Scott asks as he focuses his attention back on the conversation.

"Oh, hell." Stilinski says as another police car pulls up to the scene. I sigh in frustration as I see Mr. Tate exit out of the passenger seat, along with mine and Scott's dad, exiting out of the driver side. "Mr. Tate."

Mr. Tate walks up to us and he slowly grabs a rolled up blanket out of Sheriff Stilinski's hand.

"Mr. Tate?" Dad asks as I try to zone him out.

"It's her's." Is all he is able to get out.

"All right. Wait here."

"Dad." Scott says quickly stopping him.

"I'll talk to you two in a minute." He says to both of us. "I wouldn't mind hearing about how your mom's okay with you running around in the woods this late."

I sigh in frustration and annoyance as he walks off and Stilinski walks off after him.


Later on in the morning, Scott, Stiles, and I are standing at the back of the class as Allison is with us as well as we inform her on what we found.

"Here's where we found the den." Stiles shows Allison the spot on a GPS that was brought up on his Samsung tablet. "It's right in the middle of the hiking trails."

"Well, that could narrow it down." Allison states. "Coyotes travel in fixed trails. But I think you're right about her not going back to the den." She says looking at me. "Coyotes don't like wolves. And they're really smart. If they don't wanna be heard, they actually walk on their toes."

"Coyotes tip-toe?" Stiles asks confused.

"They tip-toe." She confirms as the bell rings. "I gotta go, but send me the pinned location."

"Okay." Stiles says as she takes off to her class.

Stiles and I go and sit up near the front as Scott gets stopped by Kira before he can go and sit down. I don't here anything from their conversation as Mr. Yukimura walks in and he talks to them for a second before he makes his way to the front of the class.

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