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Quote: "Enjoy every moment you have. Because in life, there are no rewinds, only flashbacks. Make sure it's all worth it."

Published: July 30, 2018


Chapter 8: "Visionary"

Stiles and I are at Derek's loft the next day with Cora. Derek disappeared off to God knows where. The whole loft is all cleared up, showing no sign of last night's events.

Cora is telling us how when Derek was younger that him and another werewolf went into hiding away from the Argent hunters.

"They were there for two day, waiting, hiding. That's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us - hide and heal." Cora tells us.

This must have been some time before I met them 'cause I never had to hide out from any hunters.

"Okay, so is two days standard, than, or are we thinking Derek's on, like, some extended getaway?" Stiles asks.

"Why do you care?"

"Why do I care? Let's see - because over the last few weeks, my girlfriend and best friend tried to kill themselves. His boss nearly got ritually sacrificed. A girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed. Boyd was killed by Alphas. I - do you want me to keep going? 'Cause I can, all right? For, like, an hour." Stiles rambles on.

"Please don't keep going." I tell him. "'Cause believe me he will keep going." I tell Cora.

"You think Derek can do anything about that?" Cora asks Stiles.

"Well, since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it, yeah." Stiles answers.

"I don't know. There's something different about him. He wasn't like this when we knew him."

"What was he like?"

We hear footsteps exceeding down the spiral staircase and we look to them to see Peter.

"A lot like Scott, actually." Peter answers Stiles' question. "A lot like most teenagers - unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really only to other teenagers. Kinda like you two." He points to Stiles and I at his last statement. I just scoff and roll my eyes.

"And so what happened? What changed him?" Stiles asks.

"Well, the same thing that changes a lot of young men - a girl."

I lean forward in my chair that I'm sitting on as I get more interested. I've never heard this story before.

"You're telling me some girl broke his little heart? That's why Derek is the way he is?"

"Do you remember Derek before he was an Alpha had blue eyes? Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes?"

I don't answer Peter's question as to how I already know why some wolves have blue eyes. I'm interested in what Peter has to explain in his story as Stiles answers instead.

"I just always thought it was, like, a genetic thing."

"If you want to know what changed Derek, you need to know what changed the color of his eyes."


A girl, Paige, is in the music room alone at Beacon Hills high school, playing a cello. She abruptly stops playing as the sound of a basketball bounces on the floor right outside of the music room. Paige tries to ignore it as she continues to play. She stops again and exits the music room to see a group of guys bouncing the basketball around.

Unstoppable -> S. Stilinski {3}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora