"Perhaps the stories were true about the enchantments this paradise holds... what if Mother was right? Such places exist beyond our world and others. A realm beyond the physical upon which they are sacred?" He suggested turning to look at his sister to see her reaction. 

Narylfiel shrugged without thinking much. "I do not know, but I am glad to finally show it to you. I dared not to think of such things as I felt at peace. Such peace I felt when Ada and Nia would hold us..." She trailed off with a sad look in her eye. Daermaethor felt his heart wince in pain, like if the knife never fell off from how much has changed. 

He gave her a smile in the fading starlight as dawn began to approach faster than they imagined. He gave her a small sigh and embraced her from his horse. He held his sister tightly and never wanted to let her go. Losing her, their mother, their siblings, their home... the pain was unbearable for Daermaethor. Having to go ages without his baby sister, knowing the witch-king and his God-awful Master did everything they could to torture her for information she does not know. Many do not know, only a few entrusted with such as the King and Prince of Elessgar..

 Finding refuge for the people's of the Ironwood people where they could be received was a lengthy mission. You probably are noticing how he has talked about his father but not that he has lost him to death the way he mentioned his mother. Well, just as Narylfiel carries secrets so does Daermaethor. He made promises to his parents when everything went downhill. This was a very painful secret he had to maintain from her in order to succeed the mission his Ada gave him millennia ago. 

"May Ilúvatar forgive me for what I hide.." he thought to himself. He longs to share with his sister but he fears the worst could happen. The secret must be kept until the time came. 

He let her go and sighed wistfully. What a view.. how he could relax and forget about the last few months, and of Alerathla.. Ah yes, Alerathla. The beautiful golden-haired maiden of the Golden Woods. He would muster the courage to tell Alerathla how he felt. 

"We should head back Daer," Narylfiel interrupted his thoughts after they spent too long gazing at the stars. "The others are probably worried. And it should almost be time for us to part."

He nodded and smiled at her. "Thanks for tonight," he whispered. She gently punched his shoulder and walked to her horse. Daermaethor silently walked up to the tree and unclipped the chain around his neck. Whispering something in his native tongue, he hung the chain over one of the branches. Narylfiel gave him a knowing smile.


When they returned, the others were already packing things up. Falathiel saw them and gave them her best glare. She put her hand on her hip and said, "Where were you two? You haven't slept! We were worried when we awoke and found you gone!"

Narylfiel chuckled whilst her brother gave her a wink. "Don't worry Fala," he grinned mischievously. "We don't need the rest. I have thousands of years to catch up on all the sleep I never had."

"Unlike some people who need their beauty sleep," Narylfiel added playfully. Falathiel rolled her eyes at their joke and turned to finish packing their things.

You see, Elves are immortal, and Daermaethor, Narylfiel and Alerathla just so happened to be Elves, one of the last of their kind (unlike the mortal rest of them)!

Nethraunien walked out carrying some blankets when he saw them. "Well thank goodness you're back!" he snorted. "You Elves always get to sneak off. It's about time that us humans get to run off when we'd like and leave you guys worried to death about our safety." It wasn't like Neth to give them grief but it was also warranted as they seem to as they please. Perks of being from a royal family. That behavior seems to stay embedded for life. Narylfiel and her brother laughed as they unsaddled and went to help with packing with what they could take. It seemed most unfortunate that they would have to leave behind everything they once knew.

Deep In The Shadows  ➳ Lord of the Rings ➳ Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin