Chapter 41

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*Zayn's POV*

A week goes by. It's the middle of January. I don't call Jessie, I don't text her. I take Delilah's advice and wait for her to get over Harry. I don't hear anything from Jessie, either.

Then a month goes by. February. I still hear nothing. I still don't try to contact her. By this point, I am worried she won't ever talk to me again, and I'm also figuring out that this all might be my own fault.

A second month goes by. It's March. I haven't spoken to Jessie since the day she left my house. I've almost given up on her. I think about her a lot still, and about that night we were together last. I regret being so inconsiderate when she left. I wish I wasn't so offended that she decided she wasn't ready. Because of it, I can't ever see her. I assume that if I had let her leave and was less frustrated with her that we would still be seeing each other now. But I'm basically accepting that this separation is my fault.

Delilah says it isn't. She says I need to let Jessie get over Harry. I conceived in my mind she was over Harry the second she kissed me at the party, and that everything else with Harry after that wasn't real. Apparently I was wrong, because she's been AWOL for the past two months crying over him.

In that time, Niall visited from Ireland. I was happy about that. I don't get to see him too often, plus, I knew he'd see Jess. I was able to ask him about her.

He said she wasn't terrible. He said he couldn't mention Harry or my name without her gagging, though. That was somewhat discouraging, but I realized I wasn't allowed to dictate how she felt about me. That was about a month ago.

I just sort of hope that with more time passing, she will become more receptive.

I walk to my kitchen, passing by the fish I bought a few weeks ago (who is currently nameless) and pouring him some of those fish flakes he eats. The fricking thing eats everything I pour in and still begs for more.

I shake my head. "Fatass," I mutter, then decide to consider that as a possible name for the fish.

After that situation I continue on my route to the kitchen, stopping at the refrigerator. I open it, and the light turns on in it, and I see that it is half empty. Disappointment begins to set in on me, until I see a half-eaten, store-bought sandwich. With curiosity as to if it's okay to eat, I grab the sandwich and examine it's wrapper.

A label reads:

GOOD TILL 3/14/15

March 14th. 3-14.

The day sounds so familiar. A memory of that day tries to surface in my mind, but it just isn't clicking. I dismiss the thought for now.

I have to think hard to figure out what day it is today to see if the sandwich is still good. It happens to be that today is March 14th. 3-14.

I shrug and decide to toss the sandwich. I can go out and buy something better to eat.

Today is Pi Day. Then it clicks. It's like the gears in my mind that were inactive are spurred into action, and I quickly can remember everything about this day.

Today is the day that Jessie's father died. A staggering ten years ago today. The number awes me. I'm surprised at how long ago it was, and that it was actually four years ago that Jessie told me about it.

I remember that the day of her father's death I took her out. I ditched school and brought her a pizza. Then we got pie because it was Pi Day. Then we went to the zoo, and later that night her mother invited me in for spaghetti. I remember the whole day vividly. I remember I gave her my jacket and she didn't want to give it back, and I didn't get it back until the end of the night.

It was a fun day, to be honest.

My mind wanders to the present. I wonder what Jessie is doing today. I feel selfish, but I wonder if she remembered that day we went out and if she has thought about me. God, if that were true, if we were out of the abyss of hiatus, I would be ecstatic. Hiatus sucks ass.

I grab my keys and throw on some shoes after I have made up my mind to get some food. I grab a coat, too, because it's raining outside. I'll buy an umbrella while I'm out, I tell myself. I'm so sure I won't keep that promise. I tend to forget the most obvious things.

I take a step outside, then I hear the faint sound of my cell phone ringing. From my bedroom. I forgot my phone in my room.

I roll my eyes and take a step back inside my flat, jogging to my room to get to my phone before the ringing stops.

It's on the nightstand as usual, and I can tell it's going to stop ringing soon.

My hands fumble to answer it. "Hello," I say as I am putting it up to my ear.

"Hi," the nervous girl voice says between the noise.

I pause. My breathing stops as I process her voice. Jessie's voice. Her legit voice.

I force myself to smile. "Hey," I draw out.

She gives a small chuckle.

My nerves turn into glee. I begin to grin, then I come to a realization. Holy shit, I think. Hiatus is over.

Hearing her voice, even just that one word, gives me enough hope to fill the entire room. She called me, not the other way around. I'm not the one doing the chasing right now, which is just phenomenal.

I hear her clear her voice with a small cough before she speaks. "This is kind of last minute, but do you want to get some pie?"

All is Fair: Zayn Malik FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz