Chapter 39

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A/N: It's not good at all. Sorry.

Driving to his house, I'm not sure what is going to happen there. It's around 5 right now. I don't know when his date is supposed to be.

My stomach drops. His date. I can't let him go on a date with her. She's perfect. Delilah is perfect and Zayn will see that and he will get over me the second he gets with her.

Clouds are setting in the sky, mocking what is going on in my mind. Everything is foggy and unclear. A storm of emotions seems inescapable after all that has happened recently.

I turn into Zayn's neighborhood and park opposite of his flat. I see one of his lights are on so I assume he is home. With the worst butterflies in my stomach, ones that almost sting like bees, I get out of my car and walk to his front door. I knock softly on the door, with a small piece of me hoping he won't hear it. A lot of me wants to see him now, but that small part wonders if any of this is morally right.

I jolt as Zayn swings the door open, making my heart rate double. Despite my anxiety, I force myself to focus into his eyes.

He slightly smiles at me, then tilts his head. His narrow eyes tell me he wasn't expecting me. But as I stand staring without words to say, his lips grow into a smile. He runs his hands through his hair that is not well kept, attempting to fix it. His tongue peeks out to wet his lips. He doesn't say anything, nor does he act like he is going to.

It's up to me to talk, I guess. I try to gather courage in me so that my voice does not shake when I speak. I blink once and look him directly into his eyes. "You're going out with Delilah tonight?" I ask.

His smile retreats, and his relaxed position leaning on the door stiffens. "In a couple of hours, yeah."

His hard eyes bore into mine, and I can almost feel him deducing the truths of my feelings. Regardless, I think of a way to intervene with the date. I need something to let me be here now.

I notice his choice of clothing- a muscle shirt and grey sweatpants. I'm not expecting him to go on a date in that. "I'll help you get ready," I say.

He furrows his brow and his mouth opens, but his words falter. I rush past him into the room so he can't deny me.

"Alright," I hear him say in defeat. The door shuts. "I won't be leaving for a couple hours, so we can just hang out for now." I turn to face him. He gives me a crooked smile, and he gestures to the living room with one hand, the other scratching the back of his head.

I nod. I throw my purse to the floor and move to the living room. I sit on the couch and breathe in the familiar atmosphere. The air fills me with anxiety as I recall what happened last time I was in this position with Zayn. I wonder if anything like that would happen tonight. Not with Delilah around.

"Are you okay?" He says while coming to sit down. The couch bounces as he takes the seat next to me.

He has asked me that a lot. "I'm fine," I lie under my breath. Zayn leans in a little and looks at me through narrow eyes, doubting me so obviously.

His staring makes me uncomfortable. I'm not going to get into Harry with him now. Or anytime soon, hopefully. My eyes dart to the man still staring heavily at me, and I grimace.

He immediately sits back and gives up on his question, which relieves me. Zayn turns on the television to a football game. He relaxes on the couch and watches the game, every now and then making disgruntled sounds when stupid plays are made. When I stir, just sitting up or sighing or whatever, he glances at me, but he does not ask or say anything. For close to an hour this goes on.

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