Chapter 18

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*Jessie's POV*

I am hanging with Harry at his apartment. It is around 11:00 am. I sit on the couch with a huge blanket watching TV while he is in the kitchen getting us some snacks.

"Erm," I hear him say as he walks out of the kitchen. I turn around. He is wearing a simple grey t-shirt and plaid pajama pants. He is holding coffee for himself and I, and also holding a bag of cereal in his mouth. God, he is perfect.

He joins me on the couch and hands me my coffee. "Thank you," I say, ready to dig into our "breakfast."

I grab the bag of cereal from his mouth and start to eat from it. Whatever is on the television is really interesting, because for some time I do not even realize Harry is trying to get my attention. When I do, I do not answer him. Eventually he understands that I am ignoring him, so he decides to get annoying.

"Jessie, Jessie Jess, Jess, Jess, babe, love, Jessie," he continually says while poking my face. I pretend not to notice, but when he gets to the "love" part, I start to grin. He knows I love that name. I push his hand away from me, but he continues to poke at me, eventually ending up at my sides, knowing how ticklish I am. I literally fall halfway of the couch trying to get away from the feeling. "Jessie, Jess, Jessica."

"That last one isn't even my name," I mutter.

"I know," he smirks.

He moves off of me, allowing me to sit back up.

"What do you want?" I whine.

"I uh, I wanted to show you something," he says. He begins to mess with his hair, scratching at the back of his head and rubbing his chin.

"What's wrong, babe?" I ask.

"Well." he starts to chuckle immediately. "I'm not exactly sure how to start this."

Should I be nervous? It sounds like he is either proposing or breaking up with me. "What is it?"

"Well remember how you told me you loved the movie Pretty Woman a couple weeks ago?"

"Yes." Oh god, he better not ask me to become a prostitute. Sure, we might both be tight on money, but I do not think we are that screwed.

"Well, I was thinking."

"That's new," I joke.

He glares at me, and I smile back. "I was thinking. We never really do anything fancy or sophisticated or whatever-"

"Which is fine by me," I add in. It is literally the most fun I have had, dating Harry. I do not want him to think I do not love it.

He smiles. "Yes, but, you know how- I thought we maybe could-"

I giggle at his effort. Why is everything that he does so cute? Even with his deep voice and body that towers over me, I still a lot of the time see him as adorable.

He stops trying to explain his gift with words, since I keep interrupting him. He sighs and gives me what he was hiding. Two tickets to the theatre performance of Les Miserables. "I thought we could go together. It actually is on our three month anniversary, too. It would be fun. We could dress up and pretend to be civilized for a night."

I look at the tickets. These must have been crazy expensive. I feel like crying. "Harry, this is so sweet." I hug him.

"So you like it?"

"I love it." This is a nice change from what we would normally do: eat junk food and act like kids. Sure, that is always fun, but this is so thoughtful. For one, he actually remembered that I liked the movie Pretty Woman, and second he actually suffered through it with me and came up with such a lovely idea.

All is Fair: Zayn Malik Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن