Chapter 27

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*Harry's POV*

"Wait, we won?" she asks her teammates, her head curiously moving around to look at everyone. "We won!" She starts to bounce in excitement and gives Niall a sloppy hug. She turns to Zayn and hi-fives him, still giggling excessively. Then she looks at me. Even from this far away, I can see the smug look on her face. She happily jogs the distance to me, stopping abruptly less than a foot away from my body.

"Ha. Ha." She pokes me with each syllable. "I knew we'd beat you guys." She rests her small hands on my chest.

"Yeah, okay." I grab them and pull them down to her side. "Hey-"

"And I remember you told me that if I won, you'd buy me pizza."

"I don't remember that, but listen-"

"Well it happened," she says. "And I am more than happy to receive my end of the deal."

She tries to turn to walk back to her team.

I grab her hands firmer.

You know she does this a lot? She interrupts me a lot.

"Jessie, wait," I demand. My voice has moved far above slightly annoyed now. Her smartass little smile disappears. I have never been more frustrated with her. It's not like I want to believe Louis. I am really hoping he was not telling me the truth. Would Jessie really kiss Zayn on the same night that she told me I had nothing to worry about? She wouldn't. Right? I should be able to trust her, right? But Louis never lies to me, and Jessie has lied to me more than once. "We have to talk."

It takes her a second to recognize the seriousness in my voice, but once she does, her eyes shoot open. "I swear, I was going to tell you. Today- I was going to tell you right after we left- when we were driving to get pizza-" She grows louder and faster with every word. Dammit. She did do it.

Zayn and Niall peer over from across the room. This is too obvious.

I have to calm her down. "Hey," I whisper. I try to catch her eyes, but she will not look at me. I jerk the hand I am still holding to get her attention. "Hey," I say rougher. I have lost all patience with her. Her eyes drag up to mine, wide and drenched in guilt. "We will talk in a minute. Just, stop."

She does, but again she avoids looking at me.

"Come on," I say. I pull her by the hand to say goodbye to everyone. She follows a bit behind and keeps her stare at the ground.

*Jessie's POV*

He leads me up to Zayn, Louis, Niall and Eleanor. I do not want to see anyone. Not now. They can all read me so well. They will know for sure what is happening.

"See you guys later, we're going to get some food," Harry says with his perfect poker face. I cannot hide my emotions, though, so I say nothing. I just wave and catch an apprehensive look from Niall, a grimace from Louis, and the usual hollow stare from Zayn.

As we exit the arena into the waiting room, a shiver runs down my spine. He actually knows.

Harry lets go of my hand and strips off his vest to give to the woman. I attempt to take mine off as he did.

I cannot fucking undo mine. "I-uh,"

He looks over his shoulder to me and sighs. He drops the suit in the woman's hands and speedwalks to me. My fingers fumble desperately to take it off before he gets here.

Too late. His large hands reach out to my suit, and I drop my hands before we can touch. He roughly unbuckles and pulls off my suit and walks it to the woman. He is rushing. I can tell how badly he wants to get out of here. I grab my jacket and put it on.

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