Never Invite Them Again

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Christ, I haven't worked on this chapter since 2018...enjoy the revised version. :)

(This is before Covid-19 btw, so they didn't have to wear masks)

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     "Hey, Duke! Hop in! We're headed to the mall." "Uh...okay?" Heather and I were going to a few of our friend's houses and picking them up to hang out at the mall. We had already picked up McNamara and Veronica, and we just got Duke, so now we were heading to the mall. Recently, I realized how little Heather and I hang out with friends anymore, and after several weeks of begging, I finally convinced her to invite the other "Heathers." She didn't like the idea, but I know she just wants me to be happy, so she finally agreed.

     While we were making our way there, I could hear Duke mumbling something to McNamara, and from the rear-view mirror, I saw the blonde's face redden. I smiled and looked over at my girlfriend through the corner of my eye. She apparently sensed my gaze and turned to face me for a brief moment. "What?" she questioned. "Oh, nothing," I replied, reaching my hand over to lace my fingers together with hers. She smiled and turned back to the road, giving my hand a slight squeeze. Veronica saw us apparently and let out a sudden, "awww, you two are so cute together." This caused Heather's face to redden and I simply chuckled before leaning over to press a small kiss to her cheek. She then smirked and rubbed her thumb against mine.

For the rest of the drive there, Heather and I had our own conversations while the three in the back talked about random things I didn't listen to. I was too focused on Heather. We eventually made it to the mall and, as soon as Heather got parked, Heather M. was the first to get out. She practically dragged Heather D. and Veronica to the entrance. I giggled and turned to Heather C., who was smiling. "Someone's excited," she said as she turned off the engine. "Yeah. Let's hope she doesn't get that way if we take her to the skating rink," I reply. Heather hums and nods, stepping out of the car. She then walks over to my side of the car, and opens my door for me. "Aw, thanks Heather. You're a real gentlewoman," I say as I step out. She rolls her eyes and smirks, grabbing my hand as I shut the door. She presses her lips to mine eagerly. "Whatever, you dork." I giggle and playfully brush my shoulder against hers, earning a soft snicker in return.

     "C'monnnn!" Heather M. suddenly whined, causing me and Heather to snap our heads in the direction of her voice. "You guys are so slowww!!!" I giggle at the blonde's comment, causing Heather C to smile warmly at me. She parted her lips to retort playfully, but she quickly stopped herself once I nudged her arm. "Be nice. Once we get in, we can go do our own thing. I guarantee McNamara will be dragging the other two everywhere." Heather sighed and nodded. "Fine. I wanna take you to that new jewelry shop anyway. There's a bracelet I've had my eye on for a while that I think you might like."

     I smiled and nodded as she squeezed my hand. "Let's get inside."

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     "I'm going to kill her." "Heather, no, she's just excited, don't—" "I'm going to kill her. She's been dragging both of us around because Duke and Sawyer left to go to the movies. I haven't gotten a single moment alone with you." I sighed and ran a hand down my face. "I know, I know. But we can't just leave her alone. God knows what could happen to her." Heather huffed and crossed her arms, pouting her lip and looking away. "Heather..." I tried to plea. She didn't glance at me. "Heather, c'mon. Please don't do this right now." She always does this. Any time I go against her word or try to convince her to do something she doesn't want to do, she pouts and gives me the silent treatment. It can be kind of adorable and funny sometimes, but other times it's just downright annoying.

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