Dating Heather Chandler Would Include:

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-She's very overprotective of you

-If you aren't giving her enough attention, she ends up lying on top of you while you're trying to work on something, and doesn't move until you choose her over your work

-You try to help her study, but she always ends up convincing you to make out with her instead, so you have to let her copy off of your test or homework sometimes, which she repays by taking you wherever you want to go

-She likes it when you give her random hugs and kisses

-She prefers to kiss you on the neck or shoulder

-She prefers to be kissed on the lips, jaw, or neck

-You both like to watch romance sitcoms while cuddled up on the bed or couch

-She's considered the "big spoon"

-She likes playing with your hair

-Usually has her arms around your waist

-She won't sleep unless you're there with her

-She likes baking with you

-If she's not too angry with school or some nerd, she'll start a whole conversation with you

-She buys you a lot of stuff

-You're part of the "Heathers," as they're called

-Veronica has asked how you live with her in the past

-You just tell her that love is a strange thing

-She's very open with PDA

-When she doesn't have her arm wrapped around you, (unless you're in the shower), she's holding your hand either really tightly, or really loosely

-She lets you use her red scrunchie if your hair won't stay out of your face (what an honor, lol)

-In gym class, she somehow convinces the coaches to let her sit next to you

-She'll usually help you pick your outfit for when you're not in school

-If you're at the movies, she'll either have you sit in her lap, or have her hand resting on your thigh

-She gives you rides to school, but is upset because you somehow convinced her to start giving McNamara rides too

-If anyone has the guts to sneak behind her back and flirt with you, they end up in the nurse's office, or if they did something worse, they'll end up having to go to the hospital. But that happens rarely. Because of this, she's either suspended, and you've had to make more excuses to the principal than you ever thought you'd have to do in your life to keep her from getting expelled

-She's literally had a company make shirts for you two that have the other's name on the back, and on the front, yours says, "if lost, return to Heather Chandler," and hers says, "you already know who I am, just give my girlfriend back"

-If you're hanging out with your friends, and she's with you, she will make sure your friends don't touch you in any way

-If you're hanging out with your friends, and she's not with you for whatever reason, she has you text her at least every thirty minutes so she knows you're okay

-In the shower, she plays music on her phone, and if you know the song, you'll usually sing with it as she hugs you from behind

-Also in the shower, she won't ask to wash your body, she'll just do it (avoiding your private places though)

-She's rude to everyone else, but soft and sweet with you

-You often write short poems and leave them in her locker if she's had a bad day

-She texts you a lot while you're in class, so you have to hide your phone and keep it on silent (somehow you haven't been caught)

-You give her small massages while you're cuddling with her

-She's only convinced you to go to two parties, and leaves them soon after she arrives because she finds herself missing you

-Her nicknames for you:

-Sexy (if she's drunk from a party)

-Your nicknames for her:


I think that's it for now. Hopefully I'll post another chapter soon, lol. Goodbye!

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