A Mythic Bitch [part two]

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     It had been two months since [Y/N] broke up with Heather. She remained popular and received pity for the break up, but she was still struggling to get by without the [h/c] girl. She missed her so badly. At night, she struggled to sleep because she had gotten so used to having [Y/N] cuddled up against her. She missed having her nearby in case she needed to vent or be held. She was an absolute wreck without the girl.

When she came into school one Monday morning, Veronica was no where to be found—not even with the other Heathers. "Where's Sawyer?" McNamara shrugged and Duke apparently didn't hear her. Chandler sighed and headed to first period once she grabbed her books from her locker. While there, she watched as [Y/N] sat down a few seats ahead of her, chatting away happily with a friend of hers. It hurt Heather to see her ex girlfriend so happy without her. Even when they had been together privately, she couldn't make the [h/c] girl smile as wide as she did when she was around others.

     Was she just not good enough? No, that's ridiculous! She's Heather Chandler for god's sake—the most popular girl at Westerburg High. The girl who everyone wanted to have as a friend or fuck. And yet...[Y/N] had left her so easily. She didn't hesitate to say the words once Chandler tried to intimidate her. Had the girl just gotten over her?

     She hadn't even realized she had continued to stare at [Y/N] until the girl waved awkwardly, snapping her out of her thoughts. She tried to wave back, but by the time she lifted her hand, the girl had turned her attention back to her friend. A frown reached Heather's lips. She'd lost the one person who genuinely cared for her. Why did she have to be so cruel to her that day? Why couldn't she have just heard her out? Talked things out. That's what she should've done, but—like usual—she had been more focused on her image than her girlfriend.

She sighed and stared down at her desk, running her finger along the lines. This is going to be a long day...

• • •

The school day had finally ended, and Heather was headed to her car when suddenly a hand grabbed her by the wrist and spun her around. "Hey! What the hell do you think—oh. Veronica." Veronica offered a small grin as she dropped her hand back down to her side. "Hey, has [Y/N] talked to you at all today?" Heather frowned. She looked down at her feet and tried her best to fight the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "No..." Veronica placed a hand on her shoulder, causing the blonde to look up at her. "I talked things out with her. She said she's ready to give you another chance as long as you don't act the way you were."

Heather's heart fluttered at the words once she processed them. Was she really about to be given another chance? "R-Really?" Veronica nodded and pulled out her phone, shooting a text to [Y/N], who responded rather quickly. "She said she'll be here in a few minutes. You ready to apologize?" Heather nodded hesitantly. God, she hated apologizing. But if it was what it took to get [Y/N] back, she'd do it. Veronica gave her a thumbs up and waved as she turned around. "Don't screw this up! It wasn't easy to talk her into this!" Heather mouthed a quick thank you and leaned against her car as she waited.

     Once [Y/N] finally made it to Heather, she offered a forced smile. Heather stood up straight and nervously fixed her blazer. "Uh, h-hey." Heather mentally slapped herself for stuttering. "Hey...how've you been?" Heather opened her mouth to lie and say she'd been fine, but eventually sighed instead, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "Can I be honest with you?" "Of course." She sighed again and stared down at her shoes. "I've honestly been miserable without you. I-I thought I'd be fine, but I'm not. I miss you, [Y/N]. I...I really miss you." Heather fought back tears as [Y/N] stood in stunned silence.

     After a moment of said silence, [Y/N] lunged forward and pulled Heather into a tight hug, catching the girl off guard. Heather's eyes went wide. "God, I missed you too. I really fucking missed you. My grades and social life went to shit when everything hit me." Heather paused for a moment before hugging [Y/N] back. She let out a sad chuckle. "I'm glad I'm not the only one." They stayed in each other's embrace for some time. Most of the cars had left the parking lot by the time they stepped back. Heather took [Y/N]'s hands into her own and caressed the backs of them with her thumbs, bringing one of them up to kiss the knuckles.

     "So..." Heather found it difficult to ask the question that had been swarming in her mind. She wasn't sure if [Y/N] was ready to start things over or not, but she guessed there was only one way to find out. "Does this mean we're together again?" She managed to force her eyes up to meet [Y/N]'s gaze. The [h/c] girl stood in silence for a moment, making Heather uneasy. Her small bit of confidence crumbled. "I-I mean, we don't have to, I just...wanted to know." [Y/N] finally smiled warmly at her. She leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to Heather's nose. "Of course we're together again. But let's take things slow this time, okay? And listen to me when I say we need to talk things out."

     Heather nodded quickly, a smile unintentionally reaching her lips as she brought [Y/N] back in for another hug. "Thank you so much." "Of course." Heather eventually leaned back from the hug and pressed a quick kiss to [Y/N]'s lips, surprising the girl. Heather slowly stepped back and bit her nail. "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have—" "No, no! It's okay! You just surprised me is all." Heather looked down and hesitantly looked back up at her. "So...are you sure it's okay?" [Y/N] nodded, relieving Heather's anxiety. "Oh thank god."

     After a moment of comfortable silence, Heather interlocked their fingers together again and lead her to the passenger side of her car, pulling the door open and helping her in before going to her own side and getting in. She started the car up and turned to [Y/N]. "Can I stay with you tonight? I've hardly been able to sleep without you." [Y/N] smiled softly and nodded. "Of course. There's nothing I'd love more."

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