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I never answered it, she just held me and we slept, at the morning I woke up alone. My mind was still on that question, I myself didn't knew what I was afraid of, maybe cause I am developing feelings for her, that's already undeniable. Probably because I know some gossips about her and her reputation in school and I've seen her date and broke up with girls so easily, I was afraid of being just one more, so I decided to not let these feelings grow and try to no impulsively kiss her when we're alone.

I got up, she had left me a note on the tape, and she organized our mess in the basement as much as she could. I took this note and read it:

-          I had to leave. You have slept too much. Message me when you like. Love Kats. Xoxo


I head back to the house and my mom wasn't there yet, so I called her and she asked me if I wanted to go to my auntie's and then we would got home together. So I got there and they were putting stuff in to boxes and I helped them actually was good to help my aunt and spend some time with my family. I never told my mom anything that happened in the party or even that Katya crashed at our home, not even about me being friends with her. Actually, I wanted to talk to someone about feelings but not about people and my mom and I were never that close. We stood for dinner and then left. I took my phone to see the hours and there was an email from Miss Headford.

Dear Mathletes,

We need to have a reunion tomorrow. The competition is about to start so we have to prepared for it. In addition, I got some surprises for you. Keep the math up!

                                                                                                                   See you guys tomorrow,

                                                                                                                                    Miss Headford.

I couldn't be more excited about the competition, never ever been in one, so I decided no more parties and I need to study more cause I don't want to be the reason that our school loses actually would be great if it actually won, the final challenge will be in the school who get more points. So I hope it is ours. I decided to study a little just to prevent any test on tomorrow's meeting.

I remember that I actually need to schedule again with Katya, she needs a geometry class, which was one of my favorites things to study about but I knew it was hard so I need to make her understand, so I decided to message her to see when does she wants to study.

-          When is our next class?

-          Tomorrow?

-          Sure!

I got back to studying a little more, took a bath, and went to sleep.

I woke up and got ready as quick as I could. I could not wait to know what Miss Headford wants to share with us, took my backpack and got off to class. On the bus stop, I unfortunately met Ginger also waiting for the bus; I tried to make her not see me so she would not pick on me, but she's too busy talking to someone on her phone, I failed and she saw me and for my surprise she was kind of nice to me.


-          Hi, Trixie.

-          Ummm, hi ginger.

-          The bus should not take too long I have been here for a while.

-          Oh... great.

Actually the bus came shortly time after, I could not help but seen her chat with Katya, I knew it was her cause I saw BFF wrote on the top of the screen. "I'm fucked up" were all I could read, was anything happening to Katya? I took my phone looking for a text from her and I got nothing. Maybe it is not that bad after all, or she does not want me to know... why not? I decided not to get involved on any shit so if she does not want me to know it is ok.

I arrived to the school and meet Stacey and she was actually alone. I did not asked anything about Amanda, as she looked pissed. I spoke to her and she said she would message me later to spill the tea about Amanda. I knew it... but Stacey is my best friend so I am here to help her. I head up my first class it was geography and teacher were correcting our tests so he let us do whatever as long as we were quiet. So I decided to read the book I need to for my English text next week. When I heard someone knock the door, my teacher just looked over his glasses; it was the principal's Durval secretary.

-          Mrs. Lockned... Excuse me, principal Durval would like to speak to Trixie Mattel...

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