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I was doing my makeup and putting this new dress I just bought, it was pink kinda 70's and I thought I looked cute. My mom was letting me into Stacey's so I agreed with her to come early to help her out.

As soon as I got there I texted her, and she answered the door.

- Oh my god, Trix you look so beautiful.

- Thank you, so do you. So how is it going?

- I just need some help to download some music.

- Okay I can do that.

While I was downloading the music, only the popular one not even one that I actually enjoyed but it was a party and not my playlist so I downloaded only the ones I thought Stacey and all the people were like. Then I heard the bell.

- Trix, can you answer it I am taking a bath.

- Okay, I giggled.

I answer it and it was Amanda, Stacey's friend. While we were waiting for Stacey to get ready Amanda said kind of concerned

- It's Trixie, right?

- Yeah.

- So I accidently invited my boyfriend to the party, and he invited some of the basket boys. Do you think she would mind?

- If that is it. I don't think so.

- But please don't tell her

- Hmm, okay.

I have it all figured all in my mind, she invited the whole school and this party will end up bad. Is there a chance to Katya show up? Nope. She will not. Stacey was ready I put on the sound and everyone was here, she asked me to order the pizza, so I did and was waiting with the money for the pizza guy to show up. He didn't took long I paid for the pizza, and now I could enjoy the party. I realized that Stacey did her famous fruit punch. So I took a spoon and put it in my cup.

I was alone at the party as usual Stacey was dancing with her friends so I decided take a little more and after a little more, and a little more.

Then I realized that I have drank too much. Then I got upstairs to her room. I laid in her bed and everything was rounding. I heard the door open, I didn't want to anyone to see my like this but it was probably Stacey so I stood there.

- Trix? What are you doing here? 

- It was Katya

- I don't feel very good.

- Well, I can see.

- What are you doing here? Who invited you?

- Hm, Stacey?

- What?

I wasn't sure if it was the drink or the fact the Stacey is talking to Katya and I got nervous about it. I run to the bathroom and I threw up. I do not usually drink so I felt sick but I found a way to lock the door.

- Trix, are you okay?

I laid down on the floor and I wasn't okay but I could not tell her. I don't want her to help me. So I decided to tell her to call Stacey.

- I am not okay, would please call Steve?

I said it all wrong because I was so drunk. I could hear Katya's laugh as she says

- Why can't I help you?

- I don't want you to.

- But Stacey, she said joking about what I just said. It's partying with her friends, and I am here doing nothing.

- Okay. I opened the door.

- Geez, Trix! What happened to you? I think it's better if you took a bath.

- But wait outside.

- Okay.

I did took a bath, but I could not close my dress back again.

- Would you help me closing my dress?

- Sure, come outside. Done. It's closed, what else do you want?

- Will you brush my hair? I can't do it I don't feel my arm.

- You should not drink this much, why did you do it? She asked while calmly brushing my wet hair.

- Because I felt bad, I was alone. Stacey had more fun with Amanda. I said trying to put my glasses on, and Katya helped me with that too.

- Amanda? Isn't she your best friend?

- She is, but I am not fun. I could feel the words leaving my mouth but I couldn't help telling Katya stuff, hoping she will forget.

- I hate partys, I never drink, I don't get laid, every boy who has ever spoke to me I curved down. I said covertly laying my head on her lap.

- It's Okay, you can do it. she said while playing with my hair. Keep saying...

- Well, I didn't wanted you to come, I didn't knew Stacey invited you.

- Actually she didn't invite me herself, but Amanda created a Facebook event so I came cause I thought you were going to be here. You should be glad I am here. She said smiling

- I am now, but everything got so weird between us, you haven't spoke to me in school.

- But I waved at you every time I saw you.

- I know you are hurt because of me.

- I am not, really.

- But you kissed me.

- Aren't we supposed to forget this?

- I could not, could you?

- I know this is the alcohol speaking, Trix.

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