Chapter Eight

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*Sasha's POV*

Tonight was family game night, that meant that my mum, step dad, and younger sister looked through the many boring board games in the storage closet and try to play something without fighting. This time, we all settled on Candy Land and, after a couple rounds, we would play Go-fish. I don't know about you but my kind of a fun family game night would be in front of the Xbox and playing the walking dead or, something similar.

A couple of hours passed by and I was in the lead on Candy Land. I was in front of Tom, my step dad, and his face seemed to get more red than usual. Picking up the dice, I winked at my mom and fumbled them around in my hand and rolled it onto the board. As time got slower for Tom, he intensely stared at the dice mouthing the word "two" while trying to hold his breath. Let's just say he threw both hands in the air and didn't want to continue.

As the night grew shorter I asked my mom if I could just hang out in my room for a bit and study.  Yeah, alright, I wanted to text some friends and listen to Before You Exit. Go ahead, judge me. While walking into my room, I noticed that my phone's message light was blinking up a storm, so I turned it on and read the only message I had... it was from Ali and it was only one word, one word that made my stomach curl and flip and twist a million times.



Rushing through the parking lot to the hospital made me feel like a kid lost in a supermarket trying to find a face that would hopefully be my mothers. I felt this way because I was in my pj's and multi-coloured flats with my dark blue striped sweater zipped and hood up as far as it would go.

"Excuse me?" I said to the receptionist who took a second glance at my new fashion trend. "Is there a girl named Ali Judson here? Please, I'm her friend and I got a text message. I'm really scared."

As I tried to hold back tears, the woman sat in her office chair with her eyes wide and hands resting on her lap. Just standing there felt like my life was ending, but because I had all the luck in the world Ali's mom stormed through the doors demanding that she was going to see her daughter. As she glanced at my face with a couple of tears rolling down my cheeks, she grabbed my arm and pulled me along.


"So, when did you hear the news?" I asked Ali's mom as we sat in the extra office chairs, I knew that it wouldn't matter, but when I need to calm down I just start to ask questions, even the stupid ones that make people want to hit me right in the gut.

"Well I got a call from someone we knew back in our home town, and just dropped what I was doing and headed straight here," she sighed, looking down at her shoes. "I guess that's what mothers do for their children, even if it makes them look like they want to kill anyone who stands in their way." Listening to Ali's mom made me feel slightly better.

As the night slowly dragged on, Ali's mom got sent into Ali's room. I had to wait out in the lobby because the nurse said only family members were aloud in at that moment. So for the rest of the night, I had to sit in that dark blue office chair trying not to think of all the things that could of happened to my best friend.



Wait... ignore that. Just pretend that never happened.

But yes, we are back. It was a long break, but things just got so busy and... Ya know what. Scratch that. We actually totally forgot about this story until a week or two ago. Sorry guys, haha.

We have a couple chapters ready to post, so I'm HOPING we can keep on top this time(*cough cough* me *cough cough*). If you are still reading this story, congratulations. Have a cookie. We actually had to reread everything from before just so we could write the next chapters and I basically started crying, laughing, and got goosebumps from reading the previous chapters. I didn't realize how funny we are. *cue laughter*.

But anyway, That's all for now. Vote, comment, share this with your friends, siblings, parents(actually, don't share it with your parents), cat, dog, your cat's dog, your dog's cat, you get the idea. Thanks guys! BYE!

~ Nicky :)

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