Chapter Three

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*Ali's POV*

A few days later, I sat alone in my room. Sasha, Brae, and I had become best friends. We hung out pretty much every day, just walking around town and sometimes going to the mall. Which, I must say, is extremely small. But today, both Sasha and Brae were busy with some family stuff and I had nothing to do.

I ended up pulling out my laptop and logging onto twitter. As I was scrolling through the tweets, one in particular caught my eye.

"@ConnorMcDonough: Why didn't you tell me?"

I knew who he was talking about. he was talking about me. I told everyone else I was moving, except for him. every time I thought about it I felt the guilt burn into me. I missed all of them so much.

I opened my DMs and typed in his name. It took me five minutes to start typing the simple message I wanted to say.

I'm sorry.

I stared at it for another few minutes, then I hit send.

There were a few messages from fans who knew me. they were asking if I knew what was wrong with him and such. I wasn't in the mood so I closed them and continued through my timeline.

*Knock knock*

"Yes, mom?" I called.

The door opened and she walked in. "I have a question for you." She stated.

"And what's that?" I asked. She walked over and sat beside me on my bed.

"How would you feel if we got a puppy?"

"A puppy? Really?"

"Yes," my mom laughed.

"Can I name it?"

"Of course! Now get ready! I ready made some calls and there a place expecting us in an hour," she said as she stood up and walked to the door.

"Ok, I'll be down soon," I said as she left. "You forgot to close the door!" No answer. Ugh. I stood up and walked over to close it, then changed into faded skinny jeans and a white crop top with a British flag on the front. I slipped my feet into a pair of red flip flops, grabbed my wallet and phone, and walked downstairs.

"All set?" My mom looked up from the book she was reading when she heard the stairs squeaking.

"Yep," I nodded.

We walked out the door and to the car. My mom put the key in the ignition and we were off. The place that had the puppies was about 20 minutes away, but it felt so short. The whole ride, I looked at the scenery flash by. There were plenty of farms with fields containing mostly horses and cows. As soon as we arrived, I jumped out of the car. We were greeted by a woman in her late forties who led us to the litter after she introduced herself as Marie.

"All we have left are males and they're nothing special, but they are pretty cute, if I do say so myself," Marie told us as we approached the most adorable puppies I had ever seen. There were a few chocolate coloured and a few golden.

"Are there any that catch your eye, Ali?" My mom asked.

I studied them all for a few minutes before I pointed at one. "That one," I said. My mom and Marie both turned to look at the slightly long-haired, golden puppy. He looked like a golden retriever and reminded me of one of my favourite dogs from home: Captain.

"Are you sure, honey?" My mom had a hint of concern in her voice.

"Positive." I replied. Marie reached over and picked up the puppy and handed him to me. As soon as he was in my arms, I was sure he was the right one.

My mom and Marie spoke a bit before we walked back to the car. "Thank you!" We both called back.

"Anytime!" Marie said and we waved as we drove off.

"So," my mom started. "Have you thought of a name for him?"

"Yes." I smiled and looked at the puppy. "Starbucks."


Cheesy puppy name, I know, but I had to! :) This is kind of a filler chapter but the next ones will be better! Vote, comment, whatever it is that you do. thanks guys!

-Nicky :)

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