Chapter Six

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*Sasha's POV*

I can't believe that Ali is friends with BYE. It wasn't very hard to find out. All I did was look at people who BYE was following. It's a long story, but there it was... she was. Ali standing with BYE and a girl with brunette medium length hair.

While I scrolled through the list of names, I found @AliIsAwesome. As the page loaded, I heard my sneaky little sister creep up behind me.

"So watcha doing?" she asked. I sat in silence as my sister started poking me. I turned around swiftly and picked up my sister and spun her around, beginning to tickle her sides. I finally decided to put her down when she screamed. After I did so she asked me what was troubling me.

"AAAAAH it's not important!" I told her as she slowly inched herself closer to me. Once I put her to bed I returned to my spinny chair and laptop to investigate how good their friendship was. I'm not upset that their friends, I'm just upset that she didn't tell me that they were friends.

After I exited out of the internet there was a loud knock at the door. I hesitated as I glanced at the door. It was 12:34am, so why would someone be at the door at this hour?

Then I thought maybe it's my mom, but then again she has a key so why would she knock? When another loud knock came to the door I thought its probably just a neighbor. No, they never come to say hi or anything for that matter.

As I slowly pulled open the door about an inch I stared out into the darkness. Nothing. Then I slowly slipped my head out to look beside the house. I looked left and then right. there was nothing. Well, there was the garbage cans on the left side but nothing to be concerned about.

I began to shut the door when I heard a rustling in the bushes. As I began to go outside I picked up the closest thing to me... which was an umbrella. I extended the handle and felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I turned around quickly and started to swing furiously.

"Hey! Hey!" A familiar voice yelled between pauses of me hitting whoever it was. I lowered the umbrella there under it was Ali with her arms over her head. Backing up I put my hand on my chest.

"Oh My God! What's your problem?" As Ali smirked she put her hands down by her side.


"Look, I just said I was sorry." After the past hour Ali has said that she was sorry.

"I just don't understand why you didn't tell me." When my parents finally arrived Ali was already passed out on the couch across from me. I knew she was sorry.


The next morning, I woke up on the floor and smelled the breakfast that was soon coming my way. I looked over to where Ali was last night and that spot was empty. When I got to the kitchen, I sat at the table. As I stared out the window, my mother set a plate in front of me. There were pancakes and... Mmm bacon! Picking up my fork quickly I started to eat, beginning with the pancakes.

"Apple or orange?" My mom asked. Glancing at the juice that she was holding, I pointed at the apple juice. This was going to be a better day...I hope.


That's a wrap! Actually no, that's a chapter. Nevermind. Ignore my dumb jokes. Hope you guys liked it. You know the drill (If you've read these A/N before, that is.) Stay tuned for chapter 7!

~Nicky :)

Far From HomeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora