Chapter One

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*Ali's POV*

Three weeks. It's been three weeks since my mom and I moved. It's also been the hardest three weeks of my life. I missed the guys and Courtney so much, I don't even know how I managed to get through my day. all I do is sit in my room all day watching Teen Wolf episodes on my laptop. I took a walk outside maybe once. For five minutes. That's it. I haven't even finished unpacking yet.


"What, mom?"

"Can you come down here a moment please?"

"I'd rather not!" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't get sassy at me and get you butt down here!" I could tell she was getting annoyed so I finally stood up and walked down the stairs.

"What do you want mom?" I sighed.

"We have a guest," she said as she led me to the door.

I looked as the person standing there. She was looked about my age and height, had medium length, dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was wearing deep blue jeans that we're paired with a faded purple cardigan and red converse.

"Hi," she said with a big grin as she stuck out her hand for me to shake. "I'm Sasha!"

I hesitantly reached out and shook her hand. "Ali," I frowned.

"I know! Your mom told me!" She was way to excited. "Do you wanna come hang out with me and Brae? She's my best friend and she's awesome!"

"Umm, no thanks." I start to turn away.

"Oh come on! It's a beautiful day! It's so warm! Don't sit inside the whole time!" Is she crazy? It's freezing!

"Oh come on honey," my mom tried encouraging. "She's right. It's a wonderful day! And you've just been sitting in you room the past few weeks!" I wonder why, mom. "Go get some fresh air!"

"Fine." I stepped outside, took a gulp of air, turned around and walked back in. "Done." I started to walk back upstairs when my moms stern voice stopped me.

"Ali. Go outside. Now." I turned around, groaned and walked back down. I was about to shut the door when my mom grabbed my arm. "Cut the attitude. There is someone here who wants to be friends with you. At least put some effort into making new friends," she whispered angrily to me. I rolled my eyes and continued to shut the door. Sasha just looked at me and I gave her the 'what-are-you-looking-at' glare. She turned away after shrugging her shoulders and shaking her head.

We walked down the road in silence for a few minutes before either of us said anything. It was Sasha who spoke first.

"So," she glanced over at me.

"'So' what?" I replied, looking around.

"American, eh?"


"You sure like to repeat people, don't you?" She giggled a little.

I shook my head. "Yes, I'm from America. Is that a problem?"

Sasha held her hands up in defence. "I was just asking."

"Sorry, I'm not good with people."

She laughed.


"Your already taking after us."


"Canadians. We always say sorry." I just shook my head again. Another few minutes went by before she spoke again. "So what's it like in America? I've never been there before."

"You've never been to America?" I gave her a shocked expression.

"Nope." She shook her head. "Never."

"Well, for starters, it's actually warm," I chuckled. "There's lots of Palm trees where I come from. The beaches are amazing, oh and there's a Starbucks on every corner!" My mouth started drooling at the thought of the amazing frappe's they had at Starbucks.

"That's awesome," Sasha smiled. "I've always wanted to try Starbucks."

I stopped mid-step and dropped my jaw. "You've...never had Starbucks before?" She shook her head. "We need to get you there ASAP!"

"That'll be difficult."


"The nearest one is an hour's drive away."

"You're telling me, that you don't have a Starbucks here?"

"No, we don't."

We stopped talking for a bit and I thought about how it was possible for this town to survive without the best coffee makers in this entire universe. Back in Orlando, I couldn't go a day without it. It was just too good.

"Hey, are we almost there yet?" I asked. We been walking for about 20 minutes already.

"Almost," Sasha answered. "Brae lives on the other side of town."

"Town? I though this was a city."

She stopped walking and turned to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I have so much to teach you, child." I frowned. Child? I'm not a child. I'm 17.

"Brae lives in that house down there." She pointed straight ahead.

"That blue one at the dead end?"

"Yeah, that one."

I nodded and two minutes later we were at her doorstep. "Brae, get outside we're waiting!" Sasha shouted at the door.

"Ok, rule one: don't knock," I mentally marked on a checklist. Sasha laughed and I smiled.

The door opened. "Hey! I just gotta grab something quick, then I'll be out!"

"Hurry up!" Sasha whined to the girl who opened the door.

"Oh, suck it up, buttercup," Brae called as she disappeared for a moment. She came back a few seconds later and shut the door as she stepped outside.

"Brae, this is Ali. Ali, this is Brae." Sasha introduced us.

"Hi!" Brae smiled at me.

I returned the smile and we started walking. I walked behind them and studied Brae as they talked about school starting in a week.

Brae had long brown, wavy hair and she, too, looked about my age, but she was a few inches taller. Her dark pink, medium-sleeve length shirt matched her blue leggings and black toms.

Then I thought about Orlando. I missed everything about it. My friends, the beaches, even school. I hadn't heard from any of the guys or Courtney since I left and it was mentally killing me. I hated not being able to see them every day like I used to.

"Ali!" Sasha screamed.

I looked at what she was pointing at and just barely dodged a car that went zooming past. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I stepped on the sidewalk again.

"What were you thinking about that got you so distracted?" Brae asked. I was silent for a minute.

"Home," I said, looking up at the sun and the clouds. "I was thinking about home."


Well, here it is guys! The first chapter to the sequel of ALWG! I hope you guys like it! Please vote and comment because then I know that you liked it and want to read more! I'm gonna try to update more often this time with the help of a friend! She wrote the second chapter which will be up in just under a week probably! She'll also be writing every other chapter from "Sasha's POV". So, yeah! Bye for now!!

~ Nicky :)

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