14. We'll Go Dark.

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Everything is new to Lucca. He understood how cars function from the movies he had watched back in the institution and also in a few instances where he asked questions about it in private lessons he received there. His papa was kind enough to educate him even though he is locked away. But somehow, deep inside him, he doesn't feel that grateful. Lately, he resents him. It made him feel like it was wrong. Like he was wronged... by papa.

"Do you want to try to drive a car?" With the question asked by Caleb, he snapped back to reality. He is in the car now with Caleb behind the wheels. The car that he's driving has a button to be pushed to start the car unlike ordinary cars he sometimes saw in his favorite movies. It feels odd now to think of the practicality of the situation. He begins to think to himself if he's ever going to try to drive one.

"I don't have a license," Lucca replied, refusing to elaborate further and marking his rejection in the matter as well. He can't trust Caleb beyond the point of yesterday. Looking at him is also out of the questions. He's afraid to make eye contact. A stupid dream and stupid kiss had made everything seems out of place and awkward.

"And you don't know how to, right?" Caleb teased as he appears to be so laidback and skillful in controlling the wheel. It crosses Lucca's mind that he must've been driving all his life. For that, he envies him a little. This guy, he was free. It's something he never had a taste of and it pisses him off beyond words but he won't give Caleb the satisfaction by snapping out at him so he pretended not to care. "Must be hard being locked away like that. That's like losing half of your life already," Caleb added, pouring salt to the wound.

Lucca inhales deeply and he lets out a slow breath in order to calm himself down despite of his act made it obvious he is pissed. He then said in an indifferent manner, "I have more years to live. I'm only 17. I can still learn new things."

At what Lucca had said, Caleb raises both of his eyebrows in a cheeky way and teased; "New things? Like with sex?" He grins and winks one of his eyes towards Lucca as he asked.

Lucca moves his body so that he is facing Caleb directly to show him how annoyed he is. "Are you always just thinking about sex, Caleb?" He asked.

"Not really," Caleb quickly answered but just as quick, he shrugs a little indecisively. "No. Yeah. Actually, I do. I think about sex a lot. For instance,-"

"-stop-" Lucca tries to stop him as he already knew that's whatever going to come out from Caleb's mouth must be dirty.

"-at this very moment, I'm thinking-" Caleb continues despite of Lucca's demand.

"-stop, Caleb-"

"-about fucking you-"

"-you are such a-" Lucca gave up and just thought of cursing at the moment.

"-doggy style."


They both completed their statement simultaneously and that gives room for Caleb to laugh. All he can think about was how adorable annoyed Lucca looks. "You're cute," he commented. He of course knew that Lucca won't think the same way. He knew that Lucca must be irritated at him for his teasing. But it was true though. He did think about fucking Lucca most of the times. He can't help himself. Lucca is interesting and rare. It's not like he'll meet a psychotic pretty face with two identities every day.

"And you're horrible," Lucca remarked.

"Why, thank you. I'll take that as compliment," Caleb simply teased again in an effort to annoy Lucca even more.

At that, Lucca shakes his head in disbelief and begins to question his agreement to go out with Caleb to the mall in the first place aloud. "I wish I didn't agree to this."

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