2. Act One. Action!

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The year he was submitted to the institution was 2005. Now, it's 2015. A few months away it will be his birthday and he will be eighteen. He has big plans for that day. He sips the soda from his drinks as he looks outside the window from where he is seated at the backseat of the car. The only other presence in the car is the well-built man, who's driving. His father couldn't pick him up today. He has things to tend to at home, so he said. He didn't mind. He had always been neglected all his life that people's affection is no longer necessary for him. He had made sure to wear his best today. He plans on stunning them with his good looks. His stuffs had all been moved yesterday. So today, he only has his backpack with him.

He notices how much it had changed since then. There are more tall buildings around the town, more people, more shopping complexes, more improvements. And he had missed all of those. Why? Because he was imprisoned in the mental institution for ten years of his life! He grits his teeth a little, feeling deep hatred towards his father and everyone... everything... This world is cruel, isn't it? He sips the soda again and re-thinking of his previous thought. No. The world is not cruel. It's the people that are cruel. Tell me, who would you blame if someone who's supposed to love you betrayed you? God? Life? Fate? Circumstance? World? No. It's that person's fault. The very person who betrayed you. The world is not cruel. 'He' is cruel. So it's only fair that he returns the favor, right?

"Welcome home, Young Master Lucca," the butler, Armand, greeted Lucca as soon as he got out of the car. Lucca looks at him and can't help but remember the younger version of this old man.

So you're still alive, stinky old man. What a nuisance! "Armand, you're still working here. It's nice to see a familiar face," Lucca said, with a wide sincere smile on his face. In his heart though, he's close to puking.

He smiles back at Lucca, seeming a little nervous. He is remembering the scene from 10 years ago when Lucca was drenched in his mother's blood, laughing aloud. He trembles a little. Lucca notices the discomfort. Armand looks closely at the new Lucca. The boy he is seeing now is very different to the old image of him. He had grown a lot taller. A looker as well, just like his mother. His cheeks flustered a little, realizing how pretty his Young Master is now. "Please follow me into the house, Young Master," Armand said and gestures for Lucca to follow him.

Lucca follows the old man obediently. As he enters the house, he saw his father was waiting for him. There was a woman and a young boy with him. "Lucca!" His father called out to him. He grins in the process, finding Lucca very attractive. The other two with him looks surprised to see him too. They just didn't expect to find Lucca to be a very good-looking boy. The woman then feels a little jealous. The young boy, on the other hand, feels angry. And Lucca, knowing well of people's reaction, acknowledges their feelings right there. But he didn't show it on his face. He must looks innocence. He must be patience. So, he smiles at them. It was the most innocent and pretty smile they had ever seen in their entire life.


"~I'll drag you down with me, I'll drag you down with me, I'll drag you down with me, I'll drag you down with meee~~" Lucca sings while playing his guitar in his room alone. But it's getting a little boring for him so he stops and stares outside the window. There's a beautiful garden outside of his room which reminds him of his old room from the institution. And just opposite his room, the other side of the garden, is the room of that young boy from before. Caleb Codrin. His stepbrother. They are not related by blood of course. He is the bitch of a stepmother's, Jessica, son with another man before she married Lucca's father. Caleb is younger than Lucca by two years. But he is taller than Lucca by a few inches and appears to be more matured than his age.

The wide glass window will allow him to see clearly what's happening in the opposite room if the curtain is wide open. But Caleb keeps the curtains of his room closed so Lucca can't see what's he's doing. Vain... Lucca thought. Lucca smiles to himself a little. He will let his own curtains wide open instead. Always open. Because he knows... that Caleb is watching him from the other side. And he will give him a show. Right in front of the window, he slowly takes his shirt off. He is in need of bathing anyway. It was a long road from the institution to the estate from before and he is all sticky in his clothes.

His stupid father had gone off with his stupid stepmother to a romantic dinner somewhere after a few minutes of Lucca's arrival and ever since, Lucca had been staying in his room. It's late evening now. A few hours from now, he is sure that the stupid butler will call him down for dinner. So he wants to have some fun for the moment. He takes his pants off too. And lastly, his underwear. He is completely naked now right next to the window. And he waits for a while. He heard footsteps coming to his room just a few minutes later.

Smiling amusedly, calmly, he takes his towel and covers up his lower parts from his waist down to his knees. His door is then kicked open by someone. The boy at the door seems angry. It's time for act 1! So Lucca pretends to be shocked and scared. "C-Caleb?" He called, pretending to stutter, in his innocence soft spoken voice.

"YOU!" Caleb pointed at him and storms towards Lucca. "I can smell stench coming from you. You reek of bad luck," Caleb said and with each word, he walks closer to Lucca until Lucca's back reaches the window. He then grabs both of Lucca's wrists and pins Lucca to the glass window.

Lucca tears up a little, appearing to be afraid of Caleb. He is close to sobbing. And finally, tears stream down his face. "Hmph.." He whimpered a little. Caleb likes it that Lucca is scared. He can't help but smile to himself looking at Lucca who looks more like a scared little kitty.

"Aren't you supposed to be a murderer? What did they do to you when you were in the institution? Did they play with your body that you become such a weakling?" He asked and grabs Lucca's dick from the outside of the towel, admiring the softness of his balls. Lucca immediately cries louder at the harassment but he didn't say anything. He just keeps crying. It makes Caleb feels bored and annoyed. He wishes for Lucca to put up a bit more fight than just this. What a weakling! So he lets go of Lucca and walks back to the door. Just before he got out of the room, he turns to take one final look at the scaredy-cat. "I don't intend on being nice to you, you hear me?" he said angrily and walks away.

As soon as he is sure that Caleb is far away from listening or seeing things, Lucca wipes the pretense tears on his face yet again. "And I don't intend on being nice too," he muttered to himself as he looks at the closed door murderously. He has his plans. He is already aware that the moment Caleb set eyes on him, he had stolen the young boy's heart with his charm. That's why he is angry. It's not something unusual. Mission accomplished. Now it's time for the next step. Time for act 2.

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