PAPA: Afterword (2023.04.08)

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I'm finally writing an Afterword for this book. Hahaha. Too many author's notes before so I'm gonna take them down and compile all important information here in the Afterword chapter. First of all, you can find this story on other platforms such as readict apps, hinovel apps, Amazon, and ScribbleHub. I posted the uncensored version of this story on ScribbleHub. I used to post them on Tapas but it was taken down by Tapas because of censorship issues. This story, after all, talks about all of these delicate issues such as incentious sexual abuse and it happened to a young child so yeah I was pissed off but it's understandable. Hmm...

Now, let's jump into the things I'd want to talk about for this story. Okay, I'll be honest. When I first wrote this story, I wanted to make it an incest storyline where in the end, Lucca will get to be with Papa (Edmund). Originally, Edmund wasn't as evil as I made him out to be for the final storyline. The evil one would be Lucca and Edmund would be tricked by Lucca into giving himself to him. Yes, I originally planned it for Edmund to be fucked by Lucca. I was going for older uke, younger seme trope but... the appearance of our bad boy, Caleb changed my mind. I can save that trope for my other story (which is already drafted hehe).

I would usually talk about what inspired me to write a story but for this one, I really don't remember anymore. It came so randomly to me. At first, maybe because I wanted to try to write something new, something crazier. But then, it grew so much from just that. I was surprised by the results myself. This was the first story that I wrote that made me feel like I've grown as a writer. I've evolved. So this story is very precious to me. It holds a special place in my heart.

Lucca Codrin is mentioned in my two other stories. One, he was directly mentioned in conversations between characters in 'White over Red: Flaming Dawn' and two, he was subtly mentioned in 'Dark Beauty' which is the story of Adrian McGroy, our painter from the last few chapters of this book. You'll get the gist of what the 'deal' Lucca made with him in 'Dark Beauty'.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. However, do remember that the issues I mentioned in this story do happen in real life. Many children had gone through incestious sexual abuse and most times, this abuse caused them to become abusers themselves in the future. I hope that this story can bring awareness to such issues. I hope that the cycle of abuse can be broken. And if some of you did go through such abuse, be strong and remember that if you feel like no one could love you, you must at least love yourself. Everyone is worthy of love and happiness. You are worth it. Have a good day and stay healthy.



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