With that I felt a sharp blow on my stomach making me heave as blood came from my mouth once again. But the blows didn’t stop there because all I felt was the blows coming over and over making me gasp for air as I heard a gruesome cracking from my very own ribs ‘causing me to cringe in pain when blood began to form on my shirt.

“Stop!” Kendal growled trying to break free from the chains as his eyes shifted color trying to use all his strength to break free angrily towards Aldo, but those chains never gave into his powers. When blood was dripping down forming a puddle around me Aldo finally stopped his hand bloody as he went over and grabbed a towel from a far end table cleaning his hands slowly before turning back.

“That was punishment enough,” he said smugly. “Now to continue before I was rudely interrupted.”

Kendal opened his mouth to say something, but Aldo stopped him. “Consider those words wisely because Alan might have to take your punishment once again,” he warned and Kendal gritted his teeth together as Aldo continued. “Ciel has been ordered to kill Fray at all costs, knowing Fray will ask for one last request before having Ciel kill him willingly in hopes to mate with Ciel. What he doesn’t know is that Ciel was given specific rules.”

“What rules?” Growled Kendal.

“Ciel is under no circumstances to let his emotions get involved.” He smirked as he dropped the once white towel to the ground left bloody and stained as he began to pace. “You see, we figured that Fray would have found out one way or another that he could mark Ciel as his own once again. Therefore we just told Ciel a small white lie.”

“What lie?” I croaked surprising them both.

“According to Ciel, Fray has you as his prisoner,” Aldo answered with a chuckle. “He wouldn’t dare go against my orders if Fray has you as a prisoner and wouldn’t hesitate to kill you.”

“That’s bull,” Kendal growled. “We all know Fray would never hurt someone dear to his partner!”

“Partner?” I frowned letting out a cough. “Ciel was born without a partner.”

“That’s the lie he’s been feeding him,” Kendal muttered. “Just like the lie about him never going to school with us, he went to school with us, the just altered your memory so you wouldn’t remember him there. Wouldn’t remember him and Fray were partnered.”

“What?” I turned to Aldo who just glared back as blood continued to drip from me making the only noise in the room.

“And your mind can be altered again to make you forget this moment ever happened,” Aldo said grimly. “Just like it can be altered so you think you never did see Kendal again. We’ll kill him and you’ll think of him still alive somewhere out there wishing that you meet him once again like that pathetic creature you are.”

“Bastard,” Kendal muttered as Aldo hit him making his face whip to the side blood dripping from his lip as he glared up at Aldo. “Ciel won’t fall for your tricks.”

“And why not?” Aldo demanded.

Kendal smirked. “We’re not alone. Fray and I have someone else.”

“Who?” He demanded with a curt laugh. “Is it that pathetic human friend of yours?”

Kendal shook his head. “You’ll find out soon enough. Besides, Fray isn’t stupid enough to let Ciel kill him.”

“I beg to differ,” Aldo growled losing patience. “Because if Fray does not die Ciel will return here, the only place he feels complete and we’ll be sure to kill him off for not killing Fray. He knows that we’ll kill Ciel if he doesn’t let Ciel complete the job.”

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