Title: Nightmares (Part 2)

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"What is it? Where has Odinson gone?" one of the guests asked.

"Home. He'll be back soon. His brother rang and said that the light in their house had gone out," Sif shrugged.

"And?" the other young man lifted his eyebrow.

"I've heard Loki is afraid of the dark," one of Sif's classmates explained. "Some phobia... What does it call?" he frowned pensively.

"Achluophobia. It's called achluophobia," Hulda replied.


"But... How old is he? He's fifteen; almost sixteen, isn't he? Pfft... A little too old for imagining monsters in dark corners."

"Arnar, you're eighteen and you watch cartoons that my nine years old niece consider childish; and you also brag about your huge collection of dolls... oh, sorry, action figures," Sif pointed out. The young man rolled his eyes and the other guests either chuckled, or smiled at Sif's remark.


Loki slightly rubbed his own shoulders, feeling that he was really starting to get cold. He was barefoot and he was only wearing black trousers and two plain t-shirts: the dark-green, short-sleeved one over the black long-sleeved one. Not nearly enough for October, so his lean body was shaking slightly. But a severest cold wouldn't have made him return home right now. He looked at his family house, quite a decent one, both outside and inside, one of the most beautiful in this part of the town; but no warmth or comfort of home would've lured him inside, into the darkness. The windows looked back at him like ominous black holes, and Loki looked away from them in frustration.

When he saw the dark-red car from the corner of his eye, he sighed in relief. It had only taken Thor twenty minutes to get home, instead of promised thirty. He had obviously driven faster than traffic rules allowed.

Thor quickly got out of the car, as soon as it had stopped, and approached his younger brother, whose lips were already purplish from cold, his nose and cheeks slightly pink. He was breathing out steam, embracing his own shaking body with both arms. It was too cold even for someone like Loki, who mostly felt comfortable when the weather was colder than most people found pleasant. His feet were bare and his light clothes were not much better than having no clothes at all in such weather conditions. Thor pressed Loki's thin, shaking body against his own, warm and muscular one, wrapping his arms around the younger brother, who immediately started relaxing, feeling warmer and safer.

"Are you all right?" Thor asked. He felt a nod against his shoulder and let go of the smaller body. He took off his warm coat and wrapped it around Loki. "Get in the car. I'll see what I can do about electricity," he said thoughtfully, looking at their dark, powerless house.

"Fine," Loki nodded and headed to the car.

"Why are you limping? Are you hurt?" Thor asked with concern, noticing that his sibling was lame in the left leg. Loki stopped and sighed, turning to him.

"It's nothing. I hurt my ankle a little when I was getting out of the window," Loki replied and resumed limping to the car. 'Of course...' Thor thought sadly; Loki would've rather broken all his limbs, jumping out of the window of his room, than ran downstairs to the entrance door through the darkness that scared him so much.

The older brother used his keys to enter the house and went to the basement to fix the electrical failure if possible. He used the display of his mobile phone to illuminate his way, and, once he was down in the basement, he quickly located the electric torch hanging on the wall near the door.

The problem was trivial, caused by the overload, most definitely, which had tripped the master breaker. Thor reset it easily, and the lights in Loki's rooms were on once again, as well as everywhere where it had been turned on before the electricity had gone out.

THORKI Fan FictionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang