Warm Memories

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                 "Baby what are you doing up?" Hayley questions me slowly. Darting over to Hayley's sleepy existence in just underwear and a sports bra she couldn't have looked more sexy. "Hey eyes up here young woman, what are you doing up? It's 5am in the morning baby".
    "I couldn't sleep so I came to the kitchen to make me some pancakes, thought maybe since you know they use to make me go to sleep as a kid then maybe they would kick in one more time" I explain to her. "Pancakes? Make you have good nights sleep?" She questions on the verge of laughing. "Hey don't laugh at me Ms. Fall I happen to know a very good method to knock me out and put my to sleep when I can't sleep". Covering up her mouth she stops an upcoming burst of laughter "Are you homesick?" She question. "Fuck no baby, I just couldn't sleep you know.. school is almost done in about 7 months then college hits me and I guess... it kinda freaked me the fuck out in my sleep".
"I mean you have plenty of time, school just started a couple months ago baby you can't be stressing out over what's not even halfway here yet". "It's not that.." I say laying the spatula down. "Then what is it? Is it me? Am I in the way of your success, are you putting your life on hold because of me because if you are..". "Hayley... stop please.. listen to me I got a little freaked out because I was thinking about our future together.. about what my life would be like if we ever... got married and had kids". Her eyebrows fly up fast "Kids?" She ask suddenly like she doesn't want them. "I mean I don't know... I kinda want kids someday and be married someday". Slowly she takes a seat in front of me as I slipped the pancakes out of the pan into a plate turning off the stove. "I mean if you don't want kids let me know... before I could finish she starts bawling. Oh god.. see what you did Spring.. you always making her cry. Talking about the god damn future and shit for god sakes she's 26 she probably thinks she won't be able to have one.. with your young ass you probably won't ask her to marry you until your fucking 30! "No, no baby don't cry I didn't mean to talk about all this future bullshit, I'm sorry am I scaring you? You can have one of my pancakes". She chuckles through her tears that now stained her cheeks "It's not that.. I just I've always wanted a family and you talking about it just makes me so happy.. but if I'm holding your career back because of my future then... I'm for certain I rather hold it off". "Oh god.. Hayley look it was just a thought okay... let's worry about right now.. okay now here have a pancake and come back to bed with me". Wiping away her tears I hand her one of my pancakes.

"Oh my god mom why are you embarrassing me!" Hayley nervously says to her mom as she told me stories about Hayley's childhood. I was in deep tears and laughter hearing about these very hilarious stories. "Honey don't be afraid.. I mean you were screaming around the house talking about how you had a penis.. humping other girls.. I mean at that time it was clear to say you were a lesbian before you even knew". Her mom explains. "Baby do you realize you might be more of a lesbian than I am" I explain. "Oh god... I'm going to need a drink" she says before getting up pouring herself a glass of wine. "There was this one time.. this is the last story I promise.. Hayley had her first girlfriend ever in the 12th grade and she used to bring her home all the time..".
"Oh god not that story.. I'm going to hide now officially".
Her mother continues on as Hayley walks away shutting the door to her room "Hayley brought her home one day and they were in that room alone for hours.. I let her be that day because I thought she was in there experimenting but turned out her and the girl were in there sucking each other fingers because the other girl wanted to know how to go down on a boy". "Bursting out into clear laughter the door swings open "It is not that funny!" Her face was clearly red on fire out of embarrassment and anger. "Oh it is so funny!" I explain to her catching my breath from laughter. "Oh honey come on laugh a little I'm sure Spring has some stories for us too". "Oh no, no, no stories are coming out of me today". "Oh come on my mom has clearly embarrassed me I want to hear some of your stories now" she begs. Rolling my eyes I say "Alright fine since your mom here is an amazing storyteller I'll tell my best most humiliating story". Taking Hayley's hand I walk her back over to the couch sitting down next to her mother. "Alright well when I was 8 one day my parents weren't home, it was a day they let us out early from school and mom told me to never go into her room but you know kids, we don't listen so I went into her room, it was Valentine's Day and their was this huge box on the bed with roses and balloons, anything you could imagine, so I proceeded and went on making a plan to opening the box. Once I actually got it open there were dildos and vibrators in there all named Chris.. so when my mom came back home I sat on the couch getting ready to question her who was Chris.. when she finally walked into the door I blurted out "Who's Chris!" She just looked at me shocked before she said "What are you talking about?" So I asked her again "Who's Chris?" She kept asking me "What are you talking about?". Something clearly wasn't up so I grabbed her hand and brought her into the room and asked her "Who's Chris!" Practically pointing at the box full of toys. Mind you at 8 I didn't know what a dildo was or anything so I was confused to what was actually in the box. My mother just looked at me until her face finally softened and she said "Chris is for your father" I swear I stared at her blank in disbelief so I asked her again is Chris daddy's boyfriend? What caught me off guard that I will never forget was she said "He will be since Velma ain't doing justice no more" . So I asked who's Velma , she said "My old moldy cobwebbed up vagina! she used to be named Claire now he calls it Velma!". The whole day I cried because I thought my mom had some women attached in between her legs and that my dad had a man on his penis.. like a face and eyes so for 2 weeks I would talk to my parents private parts asking if I should call the cops or the ambulance to see if I could get the people removed, I kept asking if they were okay for 2 whole weeks. My parents played that joke on me before they finally told me that they were just trying new things to spark their marriage and that it was all a joke they played on me and how I should never go in their things again. Hayley and her mom were clearly rolling on the floor in laughter at this point which embarrassed me even more, but seeing Hayley laugh after being hurt just made me crack a smile.

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