Unseen Chances

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      "Spring get the fuck up man you've been in here all week" My brother scowls at me while kicking the front of my bed.
"Leave me alone" I groan buried under the covers. "Dude what the fuck is up with you? You on your period or some shit?-"Hello no!"
"Then whats up, you haven't been out of bed since Monday morning, it's fucking Friday now". Rolling over I throw over the cover more covering up my body hoping he would just leave. "Is it one of them fuck chicks you've been fucking? Did you fall for one of them or some shit?" He ask. "Fuck no Jared! Them bitches can suck a dick for all I care" I scowl under the covers. "It's gotta be something dude, are you inlove?"-"Does it look like I have time for love jared? Fuck no, so can you please fucking leave!".
"Hello no man you fucking tripping, I'm not about to let you waste your life up here laying in a fucking bed for whatever reason". "Jared can you please just leave this shitty conversation alone and go to collage! I'll fucking go to school today, there happy?". "Fuck no, you hiding some shit and I'm going to find out, anyways your piece of shit ass truck won't start so I'm taking moms benz, I'm late for school so your going have to piece that shit back together".
"Fuck you jared, fucking asshole"
"Your the asshole now get up and go fix that shit, eat breakfast take a fucking shower because it reeks in here and get your ass to school, alright?"
"Yeah whatever Jared" I sigh. "Alright I'm out for real I better not come back here and your ass is still in this fucking bed".
"I won't be; now would you please do me a favor and fucking leave already, your getting on my last damn nerves!! Please, Jesus Christ.

It had to be at least 90• outside because I was turning red faster than the ray of light. Turns out my truck only needed a few screws replaced which to my luck when It was start up, it roared to life with no problems. Closing down the hood i grab my backpack. I was going to change out of my oily clothes but I was already late to first period. Throwing my backpack in as I got in I began to make my way to school.

The hallways weren't as packed as they usually were which was a bonus for me since clearly I haven't been here since Monday morning. To be honest I didn't wanna be here. I felt like shit, I looked like shit, my whole life is shit. Ms. Fall made it clear that I wasn't shit when she kicked me out that day. So everything is just a piece of shit. "Hey Spring" one of the girls from across my hallway seductively said while sucking on a lollipop to intimidate me. Chuckling I waved over before grabbing my stuff, shutting the locker shut and making my way over to my late ass first period class. The door was closed which was expected I mean I was after all late? Do I really wanna go inside and embarrass myself more often? Who gives a fuck You practically missed a whole fucking week of school. So in this case you already look like a fool you fucking retard! Taking one deep breath I knock. Mr. Furthero's voice was heard coming closer to the door as he was teaching the lesson then the door swung open and he stopped teaching once he saw me.
"Ah nice to see you have joined us today Ms. Rose" rolling my eyes I began to walk into class making my way for the back row desk. I could feel all eyes on me at this point when I sat down. When I finally looked up everyone was just staring at me with surprised looks or just smiles. "Alright we will continue on with chapter 4". Mr. Furthero finally said in this awkward silence.

Once 2nd period came around I was beyond nervous to even walk to the class much less see Ms. Fall, but I already missed 3 days of class so I knew I had to be behind. The closer and closer I got the more louder her voice spoke out to other students. "Will get in here now before your late for class, the tardy bell will be ringing in 30 seconds". "Alright Ms don't be such a buzz kill let me at least say bye to my girl". As soon as I turned the corner her eyes met mines, she wasn't happy to see me. She looked just about as sad as I was before she snatched them away like she always did. Guess that's something I'm going to have to get used to. Walking right past her I walk in taking a seat in the back row to keep myself from unwanted attention like always. Everyone was storming in after the tardy bell rang as Ms. Fall walked in right after as the door shut closed behind her. "Alright class today we are going to be finishing off on "Poets&Writers" who would like to start off first?" She asked before a few hands went up. "Alright John please read for us where we left off on page 46". Immediately I took out the book and flipped to page 46 finding the exact spot he was now reading on. It was as if I couldn't keep my eyes off of Ms. Fall and I wasn't the only one either because when I looked she looked. Her eyes searched mines like once before, deep in a staring contest. All I could think about was having sex with her.. making love to her soft body.. hearing her moan my name over and over into my ear.. to feel her scratch into my back skin.. griping onto my body for support, giving into the pleasure I would give her.. Suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts quickly as the boy stopped talking. Ms. Fall view was on me in a lip lock stare not even noticing I was too. We both joined the class back into reality before she continued out with the lesson.

When the day finally did end I decided to wait by Ms. Fall's door so that I could see if I could make up with some extra work for class. As soon as the tardy bell rang the door was swung open with kids swarming out with bright smiles on their faces. When the coast seemed clear I made my way inside catching a glimpse of Ms. Fall bent over gather her things together. "You like something you see?" She questioned as I tore my gaze away. Chuckling out of clear embarrassment I began to ask "I was wondering if their was a way I could make up for all of the assignments I have missed for the past few days?".
"Were have you been for the past few days?" She asked curiously a little unprofessional.
"Why does it matter?" I state angrily
"Because your failing and obviously your here now hoping I would give you some extra credit work, right? So where were you?" She proceeded to ask.
Nervously fidgeting with my hands "I was clearly at home hurdled up into my bed because I didn't wanna be here". I finally said.
"Why was their something I did?" Of course the fuck it was! Why wouldn't it be? You fucked me over you piece of fucking shit ! I have never in my life gave up what I value the most to be apart of me and suddenly one day my heart decided to overpower my god damn decisions!!
"Was it me?" She proceeded on asking.
"Yes it was fucking you! It was all fucking you and finally after a lifetime of not caring or giving a fuck about love it just had to be fucking you!! I hate that I'm in love with my god damn teacher because this is complete fucking bullshit!! And a waste of my god damn time!!" I roared in complete anger. Her face was completely priceless in shock before she slammed the door shut, locked it and took my face into her hands, pressing her lips onto mines hungrily.
Finally you made it to the end of this chapter. Thank you again for choosing to read my story!! It's getting hot!!.. The stories will be a little long after this chapter. Please enjoy and leave some comments down below!!

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