Deals with the Devil

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Bella's P.O.V. -

I made my way through the streets quickly and smiled as I drove to the shop. I hadn't come into work with Enrique for a while. I would say it had been around a week since I had been here. I was just occupied with the gang and the pack. I pulled up into the shop and saw Enrique under a car. Usually he had a team that would work for him, but they didn't work the way he wanted them to. He was searching for new employees, but hadn't gotten any so far.

"Hello!" I yelled out. 

"Hey Bella!" He said, sliding out from the bottom of the car. Enrique and my father had been best friends since forever. I had known him since I was a baby. He was around 5'8,  tanned skin, dark hair, a bit buff, and he had a full on beard going on at the moment. 

I looked around and saw six cars that were in need of some help. 

"When did you get all of these?" I asked him.

"Over the last week, but I haven't had time to finish. I have to turn them in in three days." He said. Enrique had taught me everything I needed to know about cars. He knew I could knock out cars extremely fast, unlike him. I could get all of these cars done in one night if I wanted to.

"How about you go get me some tacos from our favorite place and let me do my magic?" I asked. He smiled at me. 

"Sounds like a plan. You want de carnitas, right guera?" He asked me. Carnitas was my favorite meat to got in tacos. Guera was one of the nicknames I had because of the fact that I was white. 

"Is that even a question?" I asked back with a smile.  He got up with a grin and held his hand out. I threw him the keys of my car. He liked how fast I had made It. 

As he took off I walked over to the car that seemed to have the most damage done. The side passenger door along with a wheel that had been popped off. It had obviously been wrecked. I walked towards the garage type doors and closed all of them. I needed to be alone if I was going to use my strength and speed to finish these off. 

I turned on the lights and made sure I was alone and began to take the car apart and place on some new parts on it. I sped through some of the easy things so I wouldn't be questioned by Enrique as much. I was underneath the car when I heard someone outside. 

"Enrique works here?" I heard a familiar voice ask. It was Nathan.

"Yes." Chuy said back. I panicked a little. What were they doing here? I could hear Chuy open the garage doors. The light flooded back in as he did that. I knew they could see my shoes from under the car.

"Isabella!" Chuy said happily. I slid out from under the car with ease. As soon as Nathan set his green eyes on me they went wide. Soon after I could see a smile on his face. Oh God help me.

"I thought it was Dani." He said, giving me a funny look. 

"It's Bella." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"The only girl to beat me at my own game." He said, smiling a little bit.

"She is the best in the business." Chuy said to him. 

"Yeah, it was pretty easy to get you to go under." I said, smiling at Nathan. I could feel a tense rivalry vibe coming into the atmosphere a little bit.

"I'm hurt." He said jokingly but I could see a strange spark in his eyes.

"Where is Enrique?" Chuy asked me.

"He went to go get lunch." I said back.

"Well I guess we'll have to wait." Chuy said.

"What do you need him for?" I asked him. 

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