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Edward's  P.O.V.-

"Where did you guys find her?" Sam asked as we placed Bella on the hospital bed that Carlisle had in his office.

"She was further south. Was there no one patrolling the area?" I asked him.

"No. We usually just guard the front and sides. No one heard anything." Embry said as he shook his head, "Sorry, we didn't know." He said.

"So what happened exactly?" Carlisle asked as he came back, grabbing fluids as Bella slept soundly. She was exhausted, she had to be. Her injuries were stable enough that it was not a complete emergency. We made sure that there was no internal bleeding. It was surprising that there was not in her condition. She had two small head lacerations, a leg laceration, and bruising in her abdomen with scratches scattered from head to toe.

"I can't describe it." Emmett said as he shook his head, "When I first found her...I saw a figure, but it was somehow clear. It was shaped exactly like a wolf. As I continued to fight it, it became visible. I could tell it was Chuy in a heartbeat." He said.

"When I got there it was like I was seeing the dead." I said back, "I could see him as clear as day. It was Chuy. His blood was blue. I knew it couldn't be but it was." I said as I paced back and forth as Carlisle began to clean Bella's wounds.

"I think Bella....I think Bella made him real. She was projecting the pictures in her mind as real." Jasper said as he stayed in the corner of the room, "She was letting you guys see what she was seeing." he said as he looked at her.

"I went to search the entire area that you guys said this happened and there is no scent, no blood, no tracks, nothing that leads to Chuy." Jacob said as he watched over Bella closely. I could feel my jealousy spike but I held it back as Bella furrowed her eyebrows.

"We saw him. I know it's crazy but he was there." Emmett said back, "I knew as soon as I saw her, she was in trouble." He said.

"It was real. I touched him." I said back as I looked at Sam, "I touched him with my own hands." I said.

"I thought Bella was lying when she kept saying he was near. I feel bad." Alice said.

"She's going to be fine. That's all that matters right now." Leah said, "Let's leave Carlisle to it." She said as she motioned for all of us to head to the door. We all walked out as I saw Carlisle moving faster and faster, getting Bella completely hooked up. I hated seeing her that way. It seems like that the only way I had seen her in a long time.

I didn't know if I should have felt relief yet or not. It was weird to think that there was a possibility that Bella's mind could create something else. Something much larger and Chuy would be haunting her all over again. I tried to push the thought out of my head as the hours passed and Carlisle checked up on her every now and then. I couldn't see her in the state she was in. I refused to.

"You okay?" Esme asked as she came over to where I was sitting in my room. Carlisle's office was just across the hall.

"I think so." I said back as I looked up at her.

"Carlisle found something. Bella's hand was clenched around this." Esme said as she showed me the mp3 player that I had given Bella. I was shocked as I saw that it had the imprint of her hand. It was crushed with how hard she had been grabbing it.

"She had the song." I said as I smiled to myself.

"She did." Esme said as she sat next to me, "Carlisle wants to show you something." She said as she motioned for me to go into his office.

I nodded as I walked across the hallway. Downstairs I could see some of the pack sleeping. My siblings had already gone into their rooms for the night. I stopped for a second at the door. It was painful to know that I was going to walk into Bella on a hospital bed again but I pushed the thought to the back of my head as I walked in. Charlie was inside as well. He had fallen asleep on the chair next to her, his head resting on Bella's hand. Bella was sleeping as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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