His presence seems less threatening then before making me question what the hell she must have said to get him to trust her. His eyes till show a hint of fury but I can see the cogs in his brain ticking.

"Felicity. You can trust me. I know it's hard but I swear to you, I would never endanger anyone. And I know that Jackson will take this secret to the grave."

The familiar feeling of Klaus's fingers brushing up against mine pulls my gaze to him. He nods knowingly, telling me that it's all going to be okay. He has a lot of explaining to do. I know I trust Hayley but she pulls stunts that have me questioning her loyalty. With this matter, I know that Nik would never endanger Hope. It just wouldn't happen. So whatever he's planning in his head, I have to trust him.

I take a deep breath before turning back to her.

"You really think that he is worthy of your trust? Of this secret?"


I look to Klaus, squeezing his hand in mine.

"Go on then. Tell him. Tell him the secret you swore to never tell another soul!" I go to walk past them but grab Hayley's arm as I do, pulling her ears to my lips. "But I swear to god and all that is good. If he tells anyone about this... I won't hesitate to take him down; no questions asked."

She watches me cautiously from the corner of her eye as I squeeze her arm before dropping it from my grip and vamping off.

- - -

Having vamped back to the compound, I threw my jacket off and immediately went to the bar. I pour myself a shot of tequila and down it, hardly wincing at the burn. I grab a lime from the bowl and begin slicing it up, downing another shot and then squeezing the lime between my teeth.

The sound of footsteps approaching make me sigh, turning around with the tequila bottle in my hand.

"What the fuck was that all about!? You just went and turned my sister into a Hybrid and allowed her to tell Jackson our biggest secret."

I slice another lime and suck on it, relishing in the bitter taste.

"Their wedding works in our favor. Newly-empowered and ruled by Hayley, the wolves will be an asset to our family."

"Assuming Jackson doesn't open his friendly southern mouth to every wolf who's willing to listen." I alternate between sucking the lime and talking, glaring at Klaus as I do so.

"And you! You don't trust anyone outside of your 'circle of trust'. How are you so blasé about this?"

"I'm not blasé love." He steps to me, taking the bottle and downing some tequila.

"My faith in Jackson is a means to an end. If I had simply killed him, Hayley would have turned against me. Against you. And I don't want you in harms way."

I smile sarcastically at him, dropping he lime and crossing my arms.

"That said, I don't take the matter of secrets lightly. Once the wedding takes place and the wolves are forever altered, well, Jackson's fate becomes a little less certain."

"You can't kill him. As much as I hate this, I won't let you kill him."

"You're no fun." He winks, reaching out the rest his hand on my waist.

Moonlight (Klaus Mikaelson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora