Chapter 2 The storm is coming

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Ace woke up choking on some water pouring down his throat. When all the water was gone, he opened his eyes to see a slightly startled Pidgey holding on to a bowl filled with some water. "Whoa sorry I had no idea you were awake," the Pidgey apologized.
"Don't worry I'm fine ."Ace told the Pidgey
"...But would you mind telling me who you are?" Ace asked.
"My name is Pidey I'm the one who took care of you two while you were unconscious. Man, you had me worried there it's has been three days since that Ursaring....." Pidgey said before. Ace looked next to him and saw the Zorua laying there
"Wait did you say I've been unconscious for three days. was it that long?"
"Yeah, anyways now that you are awake I'll have to leave you. My family has already gone ahead. I have told them that I would follow them as soon as at least one of you woke up," Pidgey said.
"I'll leave my bag here for you inside are some Oran berries and a map of the region. You seem to have a greater need for them then I do," He said.
"Thank you" Ace replied
"hey no problem," the bird said,
"Anyways see you later." And then the Pidgey flew off. Ace looked next to him once again. He saw that the Zorua he had saved was still unconscious. Ace decided to take a look at the map Pidgey mentioned. But before he could do so, Zorua began to wake up as well.

She opened her eyes and looked at Ace.
"Thanks for saving me. That was so scary..." she said weakly.
"I couldn't stand by and do nothing. He would have killed you if I did. By the way, my name is Ace. would you mind telling me yours?" Ace said.
"My name is Shadow. Nice to meet you," she said a smile appeared on her face. She liked this stranger.
"How long was I unconscious?" she added.
"I have been told that it has been three days... " Ace said.
"WHAT THREE DAYS. Are you serious...? Oh-no what am I going to do? My parents will kill me. I'll never make it home in time." She said. Ace looked at her confused.
"In time for what?"Ace asked.
"You mean you don't know... Wow, I didn't expect that." She said. seeing the confused look in Ace's eyes
"I won't make it home for the storm," Shadow explained.
"......What storm?" Ace asked looking up to the sky seeing nothing out of the ordinary.
"Wow, you don't know.....Every five years at the end of summer there is a massive storm. A Pokémon who is out during that is almost certain to die." She said grimly
"And now I don't have shelter. What am I gonna do?" She added panic was raising in her eyes.
"Calm down. How long do you think we have left before this storm starts." Ace said. Shadow looked at the sun's positions before replying:
"Probably a few hours. Perhaps a little less."
"So that means there is still time? In that case, let's start looking for shelter and hope for the best." Ace said.
"You're right, let's go" Shadow stated as she got up.
Together they started looking for a cave.

After about an hour they found a cave that was suitable.
"This will have to do."Ace said. Shadow nodded
"We still have other things to do to prepare ." Ace said. They then spend some time getting things like a bed set up. Shadow had told Ace that the storm usually lasted one or two days so they would have to sleep in the cave. Just as they finished preparing the wind started swelling, and the first drops of rain started coming down The storm had started. The two quickly went inside their small cave and laid down on their makeshift beds. Ace pulled out the map they had gotten from Pidgey. Then he asked Shadow:
"Hey, Shadow?" The Zorua looked at him curiously as to what he wanted.
"What is it?" She said. Ace replied:
  "You look pretty young to me, so where do you and your parents live?" Shadow looked at the map an pointed to a village south of their position. She then said:
"Your right I guess I am pretty young being twelve and all. But so are you. You look about as old as I am. Mabey a little older,  but not much. So what about you?"
Ace told her everything he knew leaving out only the fact that he was human.
"So you don't remember anything at all... man that must suck. I am Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Shadow told him
"It's okay. I want to start a new life."Ace said.
"Oh okay, in that case, do you wanna be friends.....?" She looked at him with big eyes almost pleading for him to say yes.
"Kinda blunt, but yeah I'd love to" Ace replied.
"Really...thank you so much...." Shadow said pulling him into a tight hug. This surprised Ace, but he quickly returned the hug after that.

When they broke apart, the hug Shadow yawned
"I am tired. I think I am going to sleep. Good night Ace." She said.
"Yeah, you two." Ace replied. And with that, the two new friends went to sleep.

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