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The sky turned blood red as I watched the luminous, dark clouds engulf the moon. Or was it the sun?

I didn't care anyway. The piece of paper in my hands fell to the ground as I rushed back inside to call Malik. "Dude, you've got to see this!" I shouted.

"What now?!" Malik whined. It was only when he came out, his jaw dropped open like a giant hole in a donut. "What the flip is that?!"

Just in case you've only arrived, my name is PJ, and a year ago, I had the adventure of my life, where me, my best friend and my crush (my girlfriend now) was transported to the distinct planet of our card game hobby. The trading card game called Cardfight Vanguard!

To brief it all in the shortest way possible; we made friends with the units of our cards, became avatars and gallant warriors which eventually ended an epic war in that planet that's supposedly the third world war, before finally managing to return home to Earth safely. Of course, we didn't forget to say our goodbye as well...

Just when we thought everything was finally in place, fifteen minutes ago, a tattered piece of paper fell from the clouds above and landed right in front of my house. And what did it say?

The exact thing I never thought would happen! A message from our friends on Cray who is in need of our help again, from this thing called... The Deletors? And to add on to all the rattled thoughts after reading the final words on the letter, the clear blue sky above us turned blood red and well, all this happened.

"What the flip is that?!" Malik asked for the second time.
Like I knew! Typical Malik. Why does he always have to be sarcastic at times of despair?

"I don't know but I'm guessing it has something to do with this," I said, handing Malik the letter I received earlier. "Nightrose?" Malik asked as his eyes scanned the words written on the papyrus.

My phone started ringing, and I picked up the call only to hear H.S's voice. "PJ, are you seeing this?" she asked, referring to, well, what I was seeing.

"Yes. Yes I watched the whole thing unfold before my eyes," I replied. "Great. Because a portal just opened right in front of my house, and she's here."

Her words left me confused. "Who's she?" I asked and Malik rolled his eyes. "Come on dude. Seriously?" Malik implied and I shrugged. Then I realised why as H.S finished,

"Nightrose. Nightrose is here."


Reaching H.S's place didn't take me long. Not after I heard what she said anyway. Nightrose was here. I still remember the first time she came to Earth.

She abducted H.S and I tagged along playing hero, trying to save her, but in the end I was abducted too...

It was then that, the both of us were brought to Planet Cray and before I knew it, we were fighting alongside the best friends and comrades I've ever known. Gallant warriors, knights and mythical creatures, all of different traits. And none of that would've been possible without Nightrose and her crew.

But now... she's back. However, the only thing is, I have a feeling this time it'll be different...

"H.S?" I called as I appeared at her front door. H.S stepped out a few moments later in her white icon band T-shirt and black skinny jeans. "Is she always this hot?" Malik whispered in my ear and I nudged him with my shoulder.

"Hey," she exclaimed. "Come in, quick. She's inside. I don't want anyone watching you guys."

"Erm, H.S?" I called.


"The whole sky just turned blood red and an interdimensional portal just breached open outside of your house. I think people have better things to worry about right now besides watching us sneakily entering your house," I stated.

H.S rolled her eyes and punched me lightly on the arm. "Just come in, already."

We entered, and H.S led us to her room where she claimed Nightrose was. "Your house is really big. Where are your parents?" Malik probed as he sighted around.

"Holiday. They're on their job- vacation," I answered for him. She is my girlfriend anyway. So, it's only right I knew more than a thing or two about her.

"Playing sweet boyfriend huh? And job vacation? Is there such a thing?" Malik teased and I sighed. There he goes with his sarcastic antiques again.

"Apparently there is. And, I don't mind him being sweet. I like him that way," H.S added and I blushed. Is this really the time to be talking about all this?

We finally reached the room where Nightrose was kept, which was H.S's room anyway.
Nightrose was lying on the bed, badly bruised and injured. "What happened to her?" I gasped.

"Battle scars, I suppose," H.S spoke. "But whatever battle this was, I'm pretty sure she wasn't fighting a weak opponent," she added looking back at Nightrose.

"Now," Malik interfered.

"Who's going to be the one to wake her?"

P.S. Nightrose: Rise Of The DeletorsWhere stories live. Discover now