Prologue (. . .)

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I met Zak the night I wanted to kill myself.

He stood in the shadows, his piercing yellow eyes shining faintly like a cat's ones at night.

"Imagine, I wasn't here", he has said, with his deep voice in a mocking sound.

"I don't need your help!"

"Oh really? I didn't offer you any help, but now that you mention it, it seems that you really need some, and quick."

I had shouted at him to get lost, but he has just chuckled and stepped out of the darkness towards me, a smirk on his pale lips.

"Do you even know who I am?", he has asked, still approaching me. My mood sunk with every second.

"No, and I don't give a shit! No go away!"

"You're quite funny, do you know that?"

Growling, I have stepped forward, my tiptoes hadn't touched the roof anymore. Beneath them was the densely trafficked street, flashing in every colour. It would be a beautiful last sight.

"You aren't going to jump, are you?", Zak has said behind me. I have heard the soft sound of footsteps and within the moment, I have let myself fall forwards. The last thing I remembered to have heard was the astonished gasp close behind me, before the wind was brushing around me, making my ears numb for any other sound.

I've felt weightless, almost as if I was floating with the current. But, wait! I really was floating! Am I dead already?

"You're quite stupid, y'know?"

I've rolled my eyes, annoyed. Unfortunately, it seemed that I'm still alive. This idiot hasvcatched me . . . ! Wait - what?!

"What are you donkey doing?!", I have growled screaming and tried to catch a look of him. But what I have seen was too much for my little, screwed up mind. I have opened up my mouth and screamed the shit out of me.


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