"Airi, this isn't the time to be taking pictures!" Mei scolded her as she tried to forcibly take back her phone from her friend's grasp, but Airi showed no signs of letting go.

"Hold up! I gotta post this online first!" Airi complained as she and Mei began fighting over the phone.

"Everyone huddle together and don't move!!" Sensei instructed quickly "No. 13, protect the students!"

"Real villains.." Izuku trembled in fear, and next to him were two girls fighting over a phone oblivious to the situation. "Uh, guys this isn't the time to be fighting." Izuku told them, screaming for them to stop and look at what was going on, but his efforts seemed to be in vain.

Until a hand clasped onto Mei's shoulder silencing her immediately as her eyes locked onto Katsuki. "Idiot, can't you read the situation?"

Mei blinked before she let go of her phone and hung her head down in shame "I'm sorry.. I was too vulnerable with my possession." she cried.

"Damn right you were. There's a villain just right there!" Katsuki muttered

"I guess you're right-" Mei was going to say before the moment was cut off by Airi.

"Mei! Move out of the way!" Airi yelled making Mei immediately move out of the way very quickly, then Airi smiled "Thanks! Now say cheese!" she told holding Mei's phone in a selfie position, Airi was about to click the button before a dark mist was materialized behind Mei making her shocked, her hand still on the phone.

"Greetings. We are the Villain Alliance. We took it upon ourselves to enter U.A in order to retrieve a certain someone." the shadow mist guy said before his eyes were glued onto Mei's form making it obvious for people to figure out who that 'certain someone' was.

'Did he look at me? Why is Airi staring at me like that?' Mei panicked as she could feel somebody behind her back.

Then the mist guy continued "U.A students, I must apologize in advance but this is my role. Now, scatter." then a black mist appeared, it spreader instantly surrounding the students.

Mei attempted to grab onto the ground but it was proven to be useful as she got sucked inside along with everyone else. But before she got sucked inside the 'handy' man had a gun in one of his hands as he aimed it at her and shot the bullet at her making Mei scream out in pain as it shot through her shoulder.

"MEI!" Mei could hear Katsuki calling out her name, but his voice seemed to drown out as the darkness envelopes her whole.

"Dammit, Kurogiri! You weren't supposed to warp our hostage! I just shot her with a quirk cancelling drug which renders her useless.. for now anyway." Shigaraki exclaimed as he was clawing his neck in frustration.

"I can locate her position and send her straight to us again." Kurogiri suggested.

Shigaraki let out a long sigh before putting back the gun into his costume "I would've killed you right now if you weren't our warp gate."


Mei opened her eyes to see that she was falling into what looks like a rock course. Instinctively she went into a landing position successfully landing on all fours like a cat without getting injured, except for the bleeding shoulder which made feel dizzy all of a sudden.

"I guess those yoga lessons finally did pay off." Mei commented as she stood up to stretch and made sure there were no cramps on her legs, and looked at her shoulder which she almost shuddered at seeing a hole the bullet left behind. "Well this is just perfect."

"It appears that we've been warped into the landslide zone." turning her head Mei spotted a passive Shoto making his way towards her, his expression was cool and unchanged, although they did hold some worry as he stared at Mei's shoulder which was bleeding out bloodily. "I assumed their goal was to split us all up using those warp gates to make us easier to fight off."

Mei nodded her head "Yeah. They said they were here to fetch a certain someone could.."

"I want you to be a good model of justice. Everyone knows power is not everything in this world - it's money."

"What is it Mei?" Shoto asked her even though he already knew the answer beforehand.

Mei shook her head "Nevermind." she was about to say more, to tell him the truth of her worries before she was rudely interrupted when countless villains seemed to have appeared out of the mist gate making their way towards them. Mei's instinct kicked in as she pushed herself in front of Shoto and shot her hand out readying her magma..

Only to realize that there was no magma in her.

"What..?" Mei's eyes were wide and shocked she kept telling her body to release the hot fire but none will come out. "What's wrong with my quirk?" Mei asked in despair.

Seeing your troubled state made Shoto worried, you couldn't fight with a bleeding shoulder, or your quirk. So making the best decision Shoto decided to lightly push you away from him "Stand back, Mei." he ordered. Mei looked at him in confusion before Shoto turned his head around to look at her in the eye "We'll figure it out later. You're hurt, you need to recover before I can allow you to come into the fight." he said with a softened expression.

Mei looked at him in the eye, small tears starting to escape from her blue orbs as she slowly blinked and then nodded in understanding as she ran back to create some distance between them.

With Mei away from the scene Shoto can finally concentrate on taking down the villains knowing that Mei was far away from them. Shoto's passive eyes locked onto the villain as he raised his hand readying his ice.

'I'll protect Mei, from villains and even Bakugou' Shoto narrowed his eyes at the mere thought of the ash blonde.

"The world is ruled by power and power is obtained from money."

- Qiang Mei

A Burning Desire (Bakugou Katsuki X OC)Where stories live. Discover now