Eclipse: Ally or Agent?

Start from the beginning

"Rouge, we're not here to start an argument." The voice of the human with two-colored eyes interrupts, and I start as I finally recognize it.

"You're the one from the radio communication I made!" I exclaim, having almost forgotten him. "Back when I made the truce! The Commander of G.U.N., right?"

"Correct," the man nods stately, and I decide he acts as dignified as he sounds. Turning to the bat-minion, he continues his point. "Rouge, I don't want to have this conversation again. Eclipse is going to be an important ally in the coming days, if he so chooses." The stern gaze on me with that sentence makes me shrink out of instinct, but I straighten up out of shock when the words register.

"Ally? But--" I gesture with my chin at my restrained limbs. "--I am in chains! I thought I was to be punished!"

"Well, that's an option, if you'd prefer it to cooperating. It's your choice." Feeling very small before these humans, I resist the urge to make the snarky remark I am currently thinking.

Yeah, my 'choice.' Assist or be manacled. Equal options, totally.

"I would prefer to cooperate," I say, forcing myself to sound neutral. It is not the nicest thought, working under orders, but it is better than being led around in chains. Heck, it is probably better than my position was before.

"Good. That's what I was hoping for."

"Right," I reply, struggling to smile conversationally without baring my teeth. "Now, if I'm a partner..." I trail off, suddenly feeling sheepish. "...can you unbind me?" The sentence hangs for a moment, but the man nods.

"Alright. But, I warn you, I will shoot you if you attempt to escape or attack. I don't suggest that. This is the same weapon that nearly killed Shadow with his powers on." I nod, swallowing a little nervously.

I have no doubt that I do not want to try anything. Captain Andrews walks over to me, using some piece of technology to open the shackles around my wrists, waist, and tail. I sigh once they are off, rubbing my skin where it has been pressed against the cold metal.

"Thank you," I say, nodding at him. He looks surprised that I said that, but he nods in response out of habit. "What am I to be helping with, may I ask?"

"Well, the idea is that you'll work with G.U.N. as a temporary replacement for Shadow. If you prove you can be reliable, you'll continue after he recovers as well."

"Working as Shadow?" My eye ridges knit together, not having expected this. "Why do you need a replacement?"

"I'll tell you, but I want your word that you'll accept the position."

"Then, I agree. Please, explain." I detect a hint of amusement on the man's features, and I feel the oddest urge to smile in return.

"Good. Here's what G.U.N. is going to do in response to this unknown organization attempting to kidnap both Shadow and yourself."

And, he explains, in great detail, a plan that involves tricking all but the highest parts of G.U.N. into believing I am being incarcerated more severely now, while actually allowing me to work for the organization in secret. He waxes on about how his scientists have discovered, based on Chaos process and output measurements, that I am second to only Shadow in inherent abilities, far beyond what was expected.

I try not to feel insulted by that last part, knowing the man does not mean offense.

Anyways, I, a creation built for the stealthy, tracking-oriented, and cutthroat acts necessary to fulfill my role as an assassin, will not serve the same role in G.U.N. as Shadow. I am made for slinking around and surprise attacks; he is a more endurance-oriented commando built for raids or serving as the vanguard for missions into dangerous territories. I have to restrain comment on the last bit, feeling quite reminded of how I first came to meet Shadow.

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