NO.... I Can't Let That Happen Ever. I can't afford to loose Nandini. She is a friend that I hv never had before. The comfort level that I feel with her is almost at a different level. The way I hv opened up to her is something that I couldn't do with Fab5 or even my parents after knowing them for almost my entire life.

She is too precious for me to be lost at a random club night or ever, in that case.
Pov ends!

Manik looked back at Nandini shaking his head of all his thoughts. She stood there swaying her hips along the music, her hands flowing into the air catching the beats. She seemed to be lost in her own world, drunk yet beautiful and confident in her own way. He smiled at her craziness when his eyes shifted to a guy across the dance floor who was shamelessly ogling at her.

Manik clenched his fists at him as he looked around to find almost all eyes fixed at her. He muttered curses under his breath as he took a few steps towards her, wrapping his arm around her waist firmly as he glared at the guys all around.

Nandini smiled at him acknowledging his presence as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Nandini: Manik... Where are the others??

Manik: Others!! They went back...
Manik said shrugging his shoulders as he danced with her.

Nandini: Hawww.... They left us here!
Nandini said her mouth dropping making it hard for him to control his laughter.

Nandini: How will we go home now?? I have to beat u in that game also remember...

Manik blinked his eyes, surprised by the fact that she still remembered their stupid bet even after being so drunk.
Nandini: Manik, say na..... U remember the game na!

Manik: Off course.... I remember the game! So do u still want to play then we should go home.....

Nandini heard his words and stopped dancing, as she placed a finger on her chin thinking it over.
Manik: So.. Shall we go??

Nandini nodded her head in a yes frantically making Manik sigh as he held her waist firmly,
Manik: Come!!

They moved out of the club into the cold goan night as Nandini moved closer to Manik, in the warmth of his chest. Manik noticed this as he moved his hand from her waist to her other arm as he looked around for some public transport. He moved his gaze all around only to sigh as he turned towards Nandini.

Manik: Nandini.... We will hv to walk a bit, I think there should be a cab around the main road.

Nandini looked up at him with her half opened eyes as simply nodded. Manik smiled at her innocence as he removed his jacket and wrapped it around her.
Nandini: Ayii.... This is urs!
Nandini exclaimed like a child.

Manik: Yeah... I know!! But u r feeling cold right... So wear it.

Nandini: Na... U wear it!! I m fine here...
Nandini said handing him the jacket back as she took him in a side hug, snuggling close into him.

Manik looked stunned for a second before a slight smile came onto his face as he wore the jacket back and wrapped his arm around her. They started walking from there as Manik asked,

Manik: So U enjoyed today?

Nandini: A lot!! But I m still waiting for ur compliment.

Manik: Arey... I did compliment u before we came here!!
Manik gave her a teasing smile.

Nandini: Yeah... I remember how it was!
Nandini said rolling her eyes at him as she hit his chest softly making him chuckle.

Nandini: U know what, I think I rubbing off on u... U remember how nice u were, all Gentleman-ly!!  And now..
Nandini scoffed raising her face up to meet his gaze.

Manik: Oh...  And why do u think this change is bcoz of u?
Manik asked as he stopped and turned to face Nandini, jerking her closer towards himself.

Nandini gasped at his sudden pull as she hit his hard chest. Manik looked straight into her eyes as they got stuck into an intense eye lock.

None of the two realised their surroundings as they were both lost into each other until Nandini's eyes dropped close making Manik get into his senses as he held her up.

Manik: Come... We should get a cab here!!
Manik said as he again held her by her shoulders and moved to the corner of the road to see a few cabs parked.

They walked closer to see the driver sleeping inside. Manik woke him up and told him the address as they sat inside.

Nandini: These r so painful...
Nandini said as she removed her heels, the moment they sat in.

Manik chuckled at her comment as he asked,
Manik: They why do u use them, Ms. Silver Heels??

Nandini: Stop with the name now!
Nandini whined as she rested her head on his shoulder and the car started. None of the two said anything after that, as the entire journey passed on in silence.

They reached the destination only to find Manik already fast asleep. Manik paid the cab driver as he got out picking up Nandini's sandals. He moved to the other side and picked up Nandini in his arms making sure not to wake her up.

He moved into the house only to find dhruv in the living room.
Dhruv: Buddy!!

Manik: Ohh dhruv... Still awake?

Dhruv: Yeah... Was just going to sleep. Is she fine?
He asked pointing towards Nandini.

Manik: Ohh yes... She fell asleep in the cab! I'll just put her to bed. Good night!

Dhruv: Good night buddy...
Both of them moved up as Dhruv went to his room while Manik got into Nandini's. He carefully lied her down on the bed when he saw her clutching his collar in a tight grip. Manik smiled at her as he slowly pulled her fingers apart from his shirt lying her down properly.

He covered her with the duvet as he caressed her hair off her face. His eyes fell over her lips reminding him their moment in the club when he had almost kissed her. And instantly a the thought of her beautiful lips on his made him crazy. Just imagining if they were actually so soft and so delicate as they looked.

Manik shoke his head at his thoughts.
Manik: What the hell is wrong with me? She is my best friend.... Why am I suddenly being so sick in the head?

Manik got off her bed setting her duvet properly as he switched off the bed side lamp. He couldn't stop himself as he bent down and planted a soft feather kiss on her forehead.

Manik: Good night, Ms. Silver heels!
He whispered against her and slowly moved out of the room.

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