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WARNING: Mention of abuse.. kinda?

Third person POV

"Where the fuck is he?! JIMIN IM GONNA GO CRAZY!" he said while bashing his head down onto the table, multiple times. 

"Well... Have you tried to call him?? or check if he has called you??" Jimin asked while patting Taehyung's back, trying to comfort the distressed boy a little. He shook his head signaling a 'no' before looking up. 

"This is all my fault isn't it?.. I know he's really sensitive and- fuck.." his voice broke. He didn't only look like a mess right now, but he was a complete mess. His eyes were all puffy and red, hair messy. 

"Where is your phone?" Jimin asked softly, trying to keep the situation as calm as possible. 

"Upstairs" Taehyung croaked out, trying his best to keep himself a little together. He wasn't going to give up on Jungkook, all of this was a simple mistake. But this so called mistake made all this mess.

Jimin came back into the kitchen with Taehyung's phone, looking at him. 

"Don't give me that look.. What's wrong?" Taehyung said, eyes widening. 

"J-jungkook has tried to call you.. uhm... 24 times...." he said handing Taehyung the phone. Taehyung ran outdoors, he wanted privacy. 

He dialed his lovers number, and hoped he would pick up, to his luck - he did.

"T-tae?.. I-I-I'm sorry I d-didn't trust y-you.." the younger cried out while stuttering a lot. Taehyung's heart broke into a million pieces, he broke the poor boy. Taehyung sighed, trying to man up and say something, but before he could, the younger continued.

"I w-went home.. A-and m-my.. my dad was there" Jungkook whispered the last part in a small voice, sounding a little scared. 

"Baby, where are you right now?? I'll come pick you up right this instant. You're alright.. don't cry." He reassured trying to get the younger boy to stop crying, because it was tearing him apart, hearing the youngers small cries.

"T-tae.. H-he.. h-he... h-hit m-....me" he managed to get out before crying hard into the phone. Taehyung was ready to show Jungkook's dad how much it would hurt to hurt his little bunny. 

"Where are you? I'm coming now, stay safe okay hun?" Jungkook hummed in response, trying to stop his crying a bit, trying to get his breathing a little more stable.

"I'm actually.. This may sound a little weird.. but I'm actually in the garden.." 

Taehyung ended the call and ran all the way trough their house, into the big garden. And there he was, a boy that looked to fragile and broken. 

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