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"Taehyunngg.. Did you really have to post that shit!?" the younger whined while attacking the brunette that was laying on his bed, nothing too serious, only a little tickle-attack.

The younger sat on him, tickling the older boys sides. The older one tried to wiggle his way out of the younger's iron-grip, with no luck. 

"Jungkook! LET ME GO! I don't deserve this kind of punishment, dear god help me" Taehyung kept screaming while squirming in the younger's grip. The younger just sat on his lap continuing to tickle the older "Delete the post, I'm not a fucking baby boy.." Jungkook stopped tickling Taehyung and just pouted, cutely, so cute it could melt everyones heart. 

"Stop doing that Jungkookie.. you're making me melt, you're making me too soft!!" Taehyung flashed his famous box smile at him, making the younger giggle a little. Jungkook leaned down and pressed a long, sweet and loving kiss on the elders lips. 

When he finally broke off, he laid down besides him, looking him in the eyes. 

"You're so beautiful Taehyung, like really. I can't explain to you how much I care for you, not in a 'fan' way, it's much more than that." he was looking straight into his eyes, just seeing how he reacted. 

"Taehyung?" he questioned, getting kind of nervous about what he was going to say. 

"Yes baby?" the older hummed, looking at him and smiling. 

"I love you so much, it hurts  when you're not beside me, when you're away for too long. I want to be yours, I really do. I also want you to be mine, and show me how real love is, what it feels like. I want to just be with you forever, because you're just too perfect, you know? I suck at explaining my feelings, but you are just.. my everything. I can't live without you. Maybe i'm not really experienced, and im most certainly not out to my parents yet. But I want to present you to my parents as my boyfriend, and I want you to show me every little thing. So please, just.. Be mine?" the younger finished looking down, kind of flustered because of his confession. 

"Jungkookie, I'll always be yours, and I love you so so so much." Taehyung took his fingers under the youngers chin, lifting it up a bit to look into his brown eyes. 

He then leaned in and pressed a love-filled kiss, the feeling of kissing each other can't be put into words, because it's too pure. 

(A/N): I'm so so sorry this is shit.. My mom got hospitalized again today because she's still very very sick.. (She got home two days ago) and I just can't anymore,  I can't take it. 

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