Umbra Snake

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I was currently on the outskirts of the academy as i came to realize a critical flaw with my plan. MY LEG IS STILL PARALYZED. Yet it should probably stop me from going forward but when have i ever been careful?.

I carefully (-__-)  scaled a tree. I say scaled but i was using flash to get up most of the way i looked down and saw what i guessed were the barracks/dorms the main building where training and classes happen and to the far right a building on its its own. I guessed that's the building seeing as though there was nothing else however i saw multiple guards and androids and teachers roaming the grounds and halls.

I looked around for a suitable place for me to begin my infiltration before i smirked as i saw the perfect means of entering without notice or suspicion. I began my descent moving toward success.

(TImeskip) Brought to you by Chibi Winter roasting marshmallows  

I shuffled through the dirt and grass with my secret  weapon above me i peeked through a little hand hole as i approached the building slipping by the Androids and guards alike. I almost reached the door as i enacted the second stage of the plan the for the tired guards upfront. I shifted the object around until it turned into a cut out of General Ironwood i moved past them saying random military words and stuff. 

They panicked instantly shuffling to attention as i moved past them inside.

Y/N: Gods bless luck stat.

I shifted the cut out back into its box form as maneuvered through hall ways i heard steps coming towards me as i stopped in place. I felt like a turtle trying to reach the ocean when birds are out.

Guard 1: Hey look a box.

Guard 2: I wonder how that got here?

Guard 1: Wanna play Go Fish?

Guard 2: Yeah why not i'm bored anyway

I heard them take positions around the box and start playing 


Y/N: He has 5 take that one. I whispered to one of the players

Guard 2: Thanks bud. Say you have any fives?

I heard the other guy yelled and kicked the box sending all the cards on the floor.

Guard 1: HOW DO YOU KNOW!?

Guard 2: Magic?


He yelled walking off down the halls.

Guard 2: your in the clear bro. 

Y/N: Thanks it felt like my back was gonna break. I said stretching. 

Y/N: And remember you saw nothing.

Guard 2: what ever do you mean i just played some go fish and won quite simply.

Y/N: Good man. I said running off.

I walked by multiple rooms filled with equipment with a eerie green color i walked right by one when i saw a strange thing a body? i walked in to investigate and went over to the terminal used Observe

Y/N: Penny huh first of her kind would be shame if you were to be lost now how am i going to do this? i mused to myself.

I opened my inventory and tried placing her in their and it worked surprisingly i guess its because shes not a full living being i think? i don't know. I looked around the room a bit more and found some more information among other things. 


Soul Trap

Investigate Atlas R&D department

Rewards: ???, 4,000 XP

Failure: Imprisonment for life (If captured)


(Your leg has recovered)

Yes good luck streak so far as i said that Alarms turned on as i groaned internally even in games you can still jinx your self.

Intercom: This is General Ironwood someone has broken in find them immediately and don't let them escape. Ironwood out.

Okay time to escape i saw a blinking in my inventory and decided to check it later if i am still alive by then. I ran out the door going back the way i came from i think? i continued running as i heard running and shouting down the hall. I looked around and saw a vent i used the wall and jumped on to it before kicking it open and going in as a few guards ran right past me followed by ironwood. 

I started crawling away as i heard a shout of rage i kept crawling later on i found a hatch leading into somewhere with a bunch of monitors. I leaped down looking around the room realizing it was the security room.

Y/N: Alright hacker man going in. 

I heard running my way as i saw a button pressing it the door shut and sealed itself.

Y/N: OK no time for hacker man. I drew Murasame and slashed the screens and drives like i was Kylo Ren.

Afterwards i heard the door blow open i quickly Flash into the Vent and started moving again in another hatch using Invisibility and dashing out dodging guards and androids. some of then heard my footsteps and they started alerting others i was running past them the androids eyes turn Red as they all looked right at me.

They started shooting slashing doing  whatever they could to slow me down i kept running as Invisibility wore out. Letting everyone else see me run by I heard Ironwood shouting from way behind me. 

HP 2,000 

Stray bullets ended hitting my left arm and i saw the dark sky slowly turning a lighter shade as the door's started closing. As i got close enough the doors were about to close with a sliver of light poking through as i used Flash to get through. Breathing heavily i heard weapons being drawn around me. 

I looked up and saw multiple Androids surrounding me i drew Murasame and started to slash and cut them down. I cut down four of them as i sidestepped a sword slash by me i decapitated the android. I heard the door start opening again i quickly slashed down tree more and sheathed my blade and started running. 

Along the way i allotted the five points i got into LUK raising it to 35. I quickly made my way back into the Mansion and climbed through the window i opened as the sun started to peek over the crevice i flipped myself quietly into the room and saw them still sleeping to my relief. I got a pillow and got up into the ceiling and prepared my self for sleep.


I slowly sat up from my resting point and yawned and slid off the beam i was resting on i looked out the window and saw it was near midday. I looked at the bed and saw Winter and Weiss were gone but on a nearby desk was plate with some breakfast with a note.

Note: Called in my Ironwood because someone broke into our lab. Weiss is practicing a song for tonight near the main hall. Winter.

After reading i ate the plate that had a few muffins and eggs and it was not terrible surprisingly i finished eating and tossed the plate in my Inventory because why not. I walked out the door and walked down the silent halls making my way around i heard singing i followed the voice. I carefully made my way inside without making a sound and just listening to the tune.

She soon finished but she frustratingly sighed and sat down with her head slumped in her arms.

Y/N: YO Weiss.

She immediately shot up and looked and me and then calmed down but glared at me.

Weiss: Not funny Y/N.

Y/N: well i have terrible humor so i found that hilarious.

She sighed slumped back down.

Y/N: I'm not gonna like this. i found a instrument a Violin and started playing.

(A/N) Had to cut this short the next bit should be moving forward i think? i have plan so eh hope you enjoyed the shortness.

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