He glanced from me to Damien, silently telling me he wouldn't answer with him there.

Damien must have noticed this as he sighed, "I will wait by the entrance, but only for five minutes."

When he walked off I looked back to Xavier expectantly. He had to answer me this time, I wasn't sure when the opportunity would present itself again.

"Okay, why did you save me?" I asked, crossing my arms.

He shrugged.

"Alright then, why were you on our territory?"

Again, he shrugged.

"Can you not use words?" I asked with my eyes narrowed, becoming frustrated.

"I can, I just choose not to," he replied simply and I groaned.

"Why are you so difficult?" I asked, quickly becoming frustrated.

He smirked at me, but didn't respond. I decided to try and go a different route.

"Okay, fine. I guess if you won't answer me I'll just have to leave you here and carry on with my life. Maybe even mate with Logan," I suggested and if he weren't blinded with rage he could have seen right through my words.

He snarled and cut his eyes at me, "Don't play with me, mate."

Even though the tone of his voice was anything but delightful, him calling me his mate sent electric shocks through my body.

"Then you don't play with me, mate," I mimicked him, annoyed with the banter.

When nothing was said between us I huffed and opened my mouth to break the silence. Although, he beat me to it.

"You will come with me, as I will be leaving here today one way or another," he explained firmly.

I was taken aback by his demand. Who was he, a rogue and my mate, to be demanding me?

"Excuse me?" I sneered, angry to be talked to that way by anyone, nonetheless my mate.

"I believe my words were clear," he countered flatly.

"You expect me to what? Leave everything behind, my family, my pack, to go rogue?" I asked him, incredulously.

He just stared at me for a moment, but I knew the answer. Yes, he did expect me to blindly follow him since I was his mate. However, he did what I didn't expect him to, he answered. He showed no emotion across his face, and spoke sternly, "I don't expect it, I know for a fact you will. For if you do not come willingly I will go to any lengths necessary. You are mine."

"Well, that won't be happening," I responded before I quickly turning on my heel and walking towards the door.

A feral growl eerily crept down the hall towards me and he incoherently mumbled something. I quickened my pace and caught up with Damien.

"Let's go," I ushered him as I grabbed his arm and pulled him along with me.

"What happened?" he asked as I dragged him out. We were now about halfway through the forest path leading to the house.

"I don't-"

"Where have you two been?" my father asked, glaring at us slightly with Alpha Rogers at his side.

"I needed advice about my mate from Blake, so we decided to meet here in the woods. Why, father?" he replied smoothly.

I was amazed at how easily he lied, his heart rate didn't even fluctuate. Many times this was a tell-tale sign of lying between werewolves.

Running with the RoguesWhere stories live. Discover now