Chapter 9: Going Outside

Start from the beginning

He sat down close to me but not super close where we can't turn our heads without hitting each other. I turned to look at him, at the same time he looked at me. His blue eyes sparkling. his skin was like glowing. He was prefect.

Eric POV

I am so happy that I got her out of the house. She needs fresh air, she was always mobing around. She needs to start living again. Also we can do more without me worrying if her mom is going to show up in the middle of something.

We looked at each other at the same time. Abby looks beautiful today. Her hair is down, and some of her hair is in her face. I couldn't help but to brush them back. She is wearing a silk tank top that laid prefect on her tiny waist.. She is also wear an amazing smelling perfume that smelled lie flowers.

I suddenly got the idea to ask her out on a date. Since when we started dating she was in the hospital so she couldn't leave. I've thought of the idea, but i don't know if she would be into that. I guess I'll try anyway.

I have loved her ever since I laid eyes on her on my first day at her gym. The way she flipped on the beam, showing off her flexiablity. When I thought she wasn't looking, I watched her do her rountines. I usually got yelled by my coach, but it was worth it. That's why I was one of the first people to see her in the hospital. I need to make everything prefect for when I tell her though.

After a few seconds of looking at her beautiful face I asked, “Have you ever thought of going back to gym? So you can go see everyone again."

She looked at me and said, “I kind of have. But I don't know if it's such a good idea."

"You know Abby that every time I go to gym someone asks me if you were going to come and visit. And I tell them maybe one day so maybe one day if you want I can take you with me."

"Ya I would really like that."

We talked about random things for hours which only seemed for only a few minutes. The whole time I got lost in her eyes. She sometimes had to repeat things because I got caught up in them. I don't know what I would do if i didn't have her anymore.

Abby POV

My stomach growled after about a few hours of talking to Eric. He said to me," Sounds like someone is hungry." He lended over and started tickling my stomach. Which made my start laughing at wiggling around trying to get away from him. Without hurting myself.

He turned around to grab the picnic basket from behind him. He laid out all the sandwiches and fruits. We are both on a strict diet so we can't have junk food. I guess I can eat whatever I want since I can't workout anymore, but i don't want to be fat so I'll stay on the diet.

Eric took his fingers swirled them in the strawberry juice. I watched him trying to figure out what he was doing. He looked up at me after awhile of doing this and gave my a evil grin. He suddenly whipped his fingers on my nose, leaving a red line down my nose.

I dipped my fingers in the cherries and drew a line down his forehead. We kept on doing this until we both could taste the fruit juice dripping onto our lips.

When we were done Eric took both of his hands whipping the juice off my face. He started from my forehead and went down to my chin., making sure he didn't leave anything left.

When he got to the corners of my mouth, he whipped the juice away and held my face in his hands. He leaned closer to me and our lips met. I wrapped my arms around his back. With his hands still on my cheeks, our lips moved together. Our tongues met each other and twisted together. Once we broke apart we were both out of breath.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, until Eric said," Look up Abby. The sun is setting." He grabbed my hand and we sat in silence watching it.

Eric whispered to me," Abby." I turned to him so we were facing each other. "Can I take you out on a real date on Friday night?"

"Yes." I've never been on a really date before. I wonder what we are going to do. i just have to wait till friday night I guess.

We sat right next to each other in silence, not an awkward silence it was a nice silence, until the sunset was over. Eric picked me up and carried me to my wheelchair. When he set me down he gave me a gentle kiss.

He pushed me to my house. We talked about the amazing time we had. Once we got home I was almost asleep so Eric carried me to my room. He laid me down and said," Goodnight Princess." He leaned down and kissed me again.

I dreamed of Friday night, of what it might be like. I can't wait to find out what Eric has planned for us.


Sorry for the super late update. I am going to do a lot better from now on. Please VOTE and COMMENT. You can also fan me. If you have any ideas of what you want to happen please message me and I will think about your ideas and may put it in my book in the later chapters.


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