Chapter 15: You Never Know What Your Future Holds

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"Let me strap you up and then you can begin." Coach Brett said in a calm reassuring voice.

It has only been two days after my doctor's appointment. I am always eager to get up and start walking again. It is just like getting a new skill and never wanting to stop doing it. I am also progressing very quickly. I am already able to take long striding steps and some quicker small steps. Well, I don't think my body was ready for all the stress I have put on my legs. Today I'm super sore! Every time I move my muscles burn badly. I think that is enough of my complaining.

I was still sitting in my wheelchair when my Coach Brett was hooking me up to this belt that has elastic ropes that extended up to the ceiling. Then they come down so someone can pull on them. It is more of a pulley. I think... I was never very good at science.

"Ok, you're good. Stand up!" Coach Brett excitedly said, raising his hands above his head. He has always been a little too enthusiastic.

I used my hands to lift myself up out of my wheelchair. I bent my back a little, feeling all the muscles in my back stretch. Once I was standing, I could feel the burning sensation going up and down my legs.

Coach Brett pulled on the rubber ropes, lifting me up. My feet barely touching the ground, "Now walk the length of the beam and back."

I looked over at him; he had a huge smile on his face. I nodded at him and started to concentrate on the ground ahead. First step, second step, and the faster I went. Once I had made it from one end of the beam to the other, three more times. Not even breaking a sweat. Coach Brett announces," What about we get you onto the beam. So you can get used to it again."

It was only about two days ago that I thought I would never walk again. Now I'm about to get on a beam. You never really know what your future holds.

I feel a smile start to form on my face. "Ya that sounds good, but can you please just walk next to me?" I asked Brett with a smile on my face.

"Ya sure thing, Abs." Abs is Brett's nickname for me. He then turns around so he is facing towards bars. "Hey Le! Can you please help me with Abs on the beam?"

Coach Le looks up from the mat she was moving. She is Asian. Her black hair was pulled back into a messy bun. Her bangs were messily lying on her forehead. "Ya, I'll be right there. Give me a second."

Brett gives her the thumbs up and then turns towards me, scanning me over very fast. He ran his fingers through his hair. I could tell he was a little nervous of me getting up on the high beam. He noticed that I was staring at him; he gave me one of his half smiles.

When I first came to this gym, I was only about four years old. Neither one of my parents did gymnastics. They were just planning on letting me do rec gymnastics just to let me get some of my energy out. They just didn't know that I was going to fall in love with it. I learned skills quickly and went up the levels fast. When I reach the optional levels (level 7 and up) I finally got to meet the head coach. It is a huge privilege to meet Brett. I remember the few weeks of him being my coach; I had a huge crush on him. Of course I never told anyone else about it. Brett was about 5.2 and incredibly muscular. My crush of him disappeared when I found out that he had a lovely wife.

Anyway back to my present life. Le tossed the mat under one of the four bars sets that we have. She then ran towards the high beam that we were standing next to. She walked over to the other side of the beam and leaned over. Resting her head on her hands," So you ready for this Abby?"

I smiled at her and said in a confident voice," Yes, I've been waiting months to do this."

She gave me one of her winning smiles. Brett tossed the elastic ropes to her. I felt the ropes pull me up on to my toes. I put my foot up on the arm that helps the beam from not collapsing in. Brett grabbed my hips to make sure that I didn't fall off. I used my arms to pull myself up. Once I got one of my feet up on the top of the beam, I used all my sore muscles to get my other foot up too. I clenched my teeth together and closed my eyes when my leg slowly became straight.

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