Chapter 18: Not His Fault

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Beep! Beep! Why does my phone always have to wake me up? I untangled one of my arms out of my sheets and then searched blindly for it on my nightstand. Once I had found it, I brought it into my blanket fort that I ended up making in the middle of the night. I opened up my text and it read," Hey Abs. We're having gym today if you want to come." If you only who this was from, it's Brett.

I stretched out my body on my bed. Since I'm already up, I might as well do something today. My thumbs quickly typed a message to Brett saying," I'll b there soon."

I threw the cover off my steaming body. Cold air clung to my skin making my whole body shiver. I rolled over until I reached the edge of the bed that my wheelchair sat. My phone started to vibrate in my hand. I opened the message that was from Ashley asking," Hey Abby are u coming 2 gym???"

I quickly replied saying,"Ya I am, can you come pick me up?" I then lifted myself into my padded wheelchair. Then I maneuvered myself to my large dresser on the other side of the room. My drawers were already opened with clothes overflowing out of them. I opened the drawer with all my athletic clothes out a little more. I searched through it looking for some athletic shorts and a t-shirt. Until I found at the bottom of the pile a bright blue leo with silver lines crisscrossing all over it. I remembered that I had received it at the meet that I had my accident at. Ever since then I haven't worn a leo. Know what I'll try something new. I put the leo in my lap and searched for my sports bra and my spandex shorts.

Once I had found everything, I headed to my bathroom to get changed. I walked in and found that I still forgot to clean it. I had tons of hair bands on the floor, dirty clothes overflowing from the basket, and paper was all over the floor. I'll pick it up tomorrow.

I slipped on my leotard which still fit perfectly. Once it was on, I looked up to my mirror. A smile instantly appeared in my face. I saw myself like I was before the accident. A girl that loved her life and felt like she was living life. A small tear formed in the corner of my eye. Why haven't I worn this sooner? I washed my face; trying to get my tear stains off. I then pulled my hair into a ponytail and then clipping my bangs back. I did everything else that I had to do and then I headed to the kitchen.

My mother was already sitting in her seat sipping her coffee and reading a book. "Good morning." I excitedly told her.

She looked up from her book and said,"Wow it's been forever since I've seen you in a leo. Oh and good morning."

I grabbed a granola bar out of the cabinet and asked her,"So what are you doing today?"

"Oh nothing much. I just have to get ready for when James comes over."

"James who?" I gave her a questioning look.

"Um... My boyfriend." My mom started to blush.

"Oh ya I remember you talking about him."

I rolled up to the table and ate my breakfast in silence. A few minutes later our door bell made its annoying ding dong. My mom got up to open the door. When my mom opened it, Ashley was on the other side smiling. My mom said to her,"I'm guessing your here for Abby."

"Yep like I always am." Ashley sarcastically said.

I rolled away from the table and made my way to the door. I stopped by the coat hanger to grab my purse. "Hey there." I told Ashley.

She smiled at me and then moved to the side so that I could go through. I moved to the ramp and I was about to go down until my mom grabbed onto one of my handles. She leaned over me and kissed my forehead. "Don't stress today. Have some fun."

I looked up at her and said," I'll try my hardest." This is what I told her everyday before I went to practice before the accident. My life is finally starting to feel normal.

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