Our Little Song

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Twas the dawn before the day of arrival. Not a creature was sitirring, not even Antoine on his early snack.

With the family on their beds still snuggling up in their dreams, a certain Angelita was tossing the sheets.

When was the last time I felt so uncomfortable....oh right, when I got pregnant.

For some reason, Angelita felt something was off about this night and it would only be a few weeks away before the predicted birth of their child.

"Miguel? You up?"

Angelita poked at a snoring Miguel who grunted and opened his eyes "What is it Angelita?" Angelita frowned as he gazed at her sleepily.

"Miguel...I can't sleep..."

"Is the baby kicking again? Do you want me to play for you mi amor?"

Angelita shook her head "It is not that...I fell like" Miguel blinked away his sleepiness once he saw his wife shot up from the bed and grasped his arm.

"¿Qué es?"



Antoine grumbled when he heard someone intensely knocking on his door and made an effort to place a pillow on top of his head from his face down position on his bed.

Maybe he can catch some sleep as soon as he loses his consciousness from lack of air.

"Antoine open up or I swear to Mama Maria I will bash this door open!"

Antoine jumped up when he now heard banging on the door and nearly toppled over the sheets to get to the door.

"Wait a moment! Wait a-AY!"

Maria tumbled forward with a hammer in her hand and Antoine stumbled back to catch her. Rodrigo was not far behind her, knocking in Tia Carla and Tio Pedro's room.

"¿Que es todo esto? ¡¿Y por qué golpeas mi puerta con un martillo?!"

Maria shook her head just as Tio Pedro opened the door with his nightcap on.

"You haven't heard: Angelita is in labour!"

It took about 2 minutes for the Gonzalez family to be in an uproar.


"Barricade the gate! Dios mio, they just keep coming and coming!"

Rosa said as she hastily wiped a sweat from her forehead as Manny and Benny along with Abel to hold off the crowd that was forming.

Apparently word travels fast and the fact that the prodigy son and his wife are going to have the baby today caused much excitement to see the babe.

And much stress on the Riveras.

"Move the fuck away people! One Side!, One Side! GO! GO! GO. Rosa Open Up!"

Abel and Rosa hastily and slightly opened the door to pull the Gonzalez in. Mainly Carmen, Antoine, Maria and her husband and Rodrigo, Angelita's papa.

The rest went off to fend the crowd. Such brave people to face all the kicking, shoving and clawing from them.

"We aren't too late yet right?"

Antoine asked, holding what appeared to be a camera. Rosa gave him a perturbed look before shaking her head.

A scream could be heard before they rushed towards the sound to see Miguel hyperventilating as he paced around the waiting room while the rest of the family gave him comforting words which only seemed to add on the stress.

"Miguel Rivera, you are needed in -"

No sooner had the midwife said that, Miguel and Antoine came barreling in. Angelita looked at her cousin in surprise.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I am videoing this special moment!"

Antoine said "You are just adding stress idiota!" Rosa called from the other side of the door. Antoine ignored her and set up the camera towards Angelita and Miguel's faces.

"I will be out in no time!" Antoine said before Angelita screamed when another contraction hit and Miguel looked like he was about to have a heart attack.

"Cálmate Miguel, Angelita estará bien. Tener fe en ella"

Miguel breathed deeply before smiling slightly at Antoine at his words of encouragement before Angelita practically yelled at him "Get your ass here Miguel Rivera or so help me I will forbid you in seeing our child!" Miguel jumped and went to his wife's side only for him to yelp when she crushed his hand.

"We'll see you later. Make sure to record every moment! Just so your daughter could see this moment!"

Rosa immediately pulled him out before twisting his ears "You and your antics!" Antoine held up his hands in surrender.

"It'll be worth it in the end mi Rosa"


After the constant hours of Angelita screaming and midwife (Y/N) telling her to push and Miguel's constant grunting and sometimes girlish screams...

A cry of an infant rose.

Silence was the only thing that reigned in the Rivera household as the world around them stopped for a moment as all eyes zeroed to the door separating them from the unknown.

Almost immediately the family pounced on a tired but grinning (Y/N) as she wiped the sweat on her forehead with drops of blood on her sleeves.

"Is Angelita alright!?"

"What's the gender of the baby?!"

"Can we go home now? I am actually pretty sleepy..."

"You can go through a crowd of screaming people by yourself Antoine!"

(Y/N) blinked before she spoke "I am pleased to inform you that both the mother and the child are alright and you can go see them for yourselves. However, the mother is in a delicate situation so please be careful and Felicidades" (Y/N) smiled before walking away, determined to keep things professional and not to scream out in sheer joy of actually delivering the baby to two famous people.

The family quietly yet hastily entered the room to see an exhausted Angelita with the familiar glow her mother and Luisa know too well when they first had their child.

Manny and Benny peered down and they both answered simultaneously "She's tiny.." and just like that, the baby cried at wiggled around, trying to get away from the noise. Angelita gave the twins a stern look from her tired gaze while they have her panicked and apologetic looks.

"Shh...Cálmate mi amor, your papa and mama are here..."

The gentle coo of Miguel made the squirming child stop and then made her raise her arms to try to find the source of that kind voice that made her feel safe.

Angelita smiled as she handed her to Miguel "What are you gonna name her?" Rodrigo asked and Miguel pondered for a bit.


"That name?"

A small wail came again and Miguel coed to her once again "I don't believe a cry is related to a song Miguel" Antoine said plainly and Miguel shrugged

"Her cries are songs to my ears because it makes her all the more real in my arms..."

Miguel said as the family took turns in cooing and kissing at the child. Antoine went to where the camera was only to find it smashed.

"You broke my camera?!"

"Miguel nearly broke his hand which would make him unable to play and I can't have that so I settled for the second thing I want to crush"

"At least I had the mind to make a backup data link"

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